At the Heritage Schoolhouse, students will re-enact atypical school day in 1850. Students will “step back in time” to experience various lessons, a recitation, a spelling bee and other aspects of an 1850s classroom routine. By the end of the day, students will have a better understanding of what it was like to live and go to school in York Region over 100 years ago.
Once in the classroom there will be a brief introduction to the facility, the historic rules, and then the role-playing will begin. The Schoolmistress/master will lead the class through the lessons.
Lunch Hour
Lunch Break (known as the Dinner Break) and outdoor recess.
Role-play will continue after the dinner break. The class will end with the opportunity for a period of reflection, exploring the students' experiences in the historical classroom.
Parents and Guardians: You can read or print this information sheet to help prepare your child for a visit to the Heritage Schoolhouse.
Classroom Interior, S.S. No. 5 Markham