Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Notable Accomplishments in Student, Parent and Community Engagement

Every Board in the province is required to have a Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) that meets throughout the year to provide advice to its Board of Trustees and staff regarding how parents and school councils can best support student achievement and well-being.

YRDSB’s PIC has been active for many years under the name of Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) as the Board has focused on the integration of these forms of engagement. YRDSB also prefers to use the term "engagement" as this is seen as both more comprehensive and action-oriented.


Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee

Through a Regional Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant, YRDSB's PIC, in in partnership with Inclusive School and Community Services and the Equity Strategy Steering and Action Committee, has developed the Regional Parent Symposium entitled Parent Voice Matters!

The fourth annual conference was held on March 29, 2017. This conference is designed to provide opportunities for parents to engage in learning about the school board, educational issues and programs in support of student achievement and well-being alongside principals, superintendents and trustees. ​ This highly successful conference hosted over 700 parents and staff at the Sheraton Parkway hotel and was live streamed for all YRDSB parents.

The 2018 Parent Symposium is scheduled for April 4, 2018.


Student Conferences

Inclusive School and Community Services is responsible for the leadership and coordination of several student conferences focused on equity and inclusivity. Details regarding the equity and inclusive student conference can be found on the Equity and Inclusive Education webpage.

As part of our commitment to safe, caring and supportive schools, York Region District School Board also hosts:

  • Our Voice Against Bullying Conference
    In June, the second Our Voice Against Bullying conference hosted over 400 students who came together to discuss issues related to bullying and to lend their voice to the work being done in York Region District School Board to build safe and caring learning environments where everyone feels welcomed, accepted and included.
  • Newcomer to Canada Youth Leadership Camp
    The camp is a collaborative and reciprocal partnership between York Regional Police, Settlement Education Workers in Partnership with York Region (SEPYR), Inclusive School and Community Services and YRDSB. The camp provides newcomer youth with an opportunity to face challenges of peer and cultural pressure, to make new friends, improve their English, learn about Canadian culture and society and build valuable leadership, teamwork and social skills.


Regional Programs for Students

  • Swim to Survive - a collaborative partnership between the Lifesaving Society and the municipal recreation departments that provides Grade 3 students with the opportunity to learn the minimum skills required to survive an unexpected fall into deep water.
  • Student Nutrition Programs – in partnership with York Region Food for Learning, over 200 breakfast and/or snack programs were provided to students in elementary and high schools. And ensured that hungry students had access to healthy, nutritious food.
  • Road, Rail and Community Safety Day – a collaborative partnership with York Regional Police that raises student awareness around personal safety. Students participate in a variety of interactive activities where they learn how to keep safe in their home and community.
  • Building Blocks for Kindergarten - this past summer, over 300 students and their parents were supported had the opportunity to become acquainted with school, build foundational literacy skills that help ensure school success; and participate in weekly parenting programs and seminars.
  • Community Planning Tables - are partnerships of community stakeholders which include schools, service agencies, community members and organizations committed to supporting children, youth, and families that supporting communities by:
    • improving the community’s capacity to address needs of children, youth and their families;
    • embedding child & adolescent mental health services within the broader community of services & supports;
    • providing equitable access to an array of supports and services for children, youth and families;
    • reducing mental health stigma;
    • developing the resiliency factors that increase the ability of students to rebound in the face of adversity; and
    • reducing serious incidents in schools resulting from mental health issues.


Regional Programs for Parents

  • Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) - free Triple P presentations were provided to over 1,000 parents and guardians across our diverse board. Approximately one quarter of families requested additional parenting supports and received follow-up from our Early Years and Mental Health partners after attending Triple P presentations.
  • Regional Parents Reaching Out Grant - through funding from the Ministry of Education, parents had an opportunity to attend a series of presentations based on emerging needs. These presentations included; Communication, Special Education, Student Voice and Youth Mental Health and Well-being. A Mental Health presentation with a focus on anxiety and depression was held in a regional forum.
  • Ontario Early Years - in partnership with the Ontario Early Years Centres (OEYC), services and programs for parents of children up to the age of six are offered in our elementary schools. Over 1,000 parents are supported with school readiness; learning new parenting skills; and information about community programs.
  • Parent, Family and Literacy Centres (PFLC) -parents and children up to six years of age participate in learning experiences that support the development of the child and the early acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills. The programs are fully-funded by the Ministry of Education, and are located in high-needs neighbourhoods.
  • Multi-lingual Parent Engagement Workshops - a range of workshops for to ensure that all parents have the opportunity to learn about our system, its initiatives and programs. Information is made available about the transition years, how to help their children prepare for post secondary education, assessment and evaluation, special education, strategies for communicating effectively with the school, understanding learning disabilities and more.
  • SESISM Presentations (SES-ism: Recognizing and Naming the Multiple Impacts of Low-Socio Economic Status on Students Achievement and Well-Being) - a series of SESISM presentations were held for:

Updated January 2018