Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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2021-2022 School Year

Through feedback, families have shared that priorities included:

  • children being connected to their home school

  • the ability to switch more readily when required between remote learning and in-person learning

  • access to continuity of remote learning when necessary


Hybrid Model

With these and other factors taken into consideration, we are planning to implement a hybrid model of learning for elementary and secondary schools for 2021-2022. Through this model, families will continue to have the ability to opt for in-person or remote learning, and placement for all students will be in their home school. This means that students attending face-to-face and students attending remotely will be taught simultaneously by the same educators.  

Where numbers warrant and when operationally feasible, in some schools, some classes may begin in a fully face-to-face or fully virtual format; all classes however have the potential of being hybrid.  

Privacy Considerations for Hybrid Learning

To help protect student safety and privacy, YRDSB has clear parameters for participation in remote and hybrid learning and expectations must be observed by all students and families in all aspects of online learning and all models of instruction. Should you have any questions, please connect with your school’s principal. See Privacy Considerations for Hybrid Learning 2021-2022 (PDF)

Digital Tools and Technology to support Remote and Hybrid Learning

Educators will work to build one learning community in the classroom, inclusive of students learning remotely and face-to-face in the classroom. Educators have been provided with learning and resources to support them in developing a flexible approach for using technology in the classroom. 

Have more questions?

Frequently asked questions are available and regularly updated covering health and safety, teaching and learning and more.
Read the COVID-19 frequently asked questions

Guiding Principles

To support the transition of students back to school, we have developed a Caring and Learning Plan built upon the following Guiding Principles:

  • Well-being  and emotional connections are prioritized to intentionally establish healthy, safe, inclusive, and critically conscious learning and work environments.
  • Relationships among staff, students and families are foundational for building the social fabric of our learning and working communities such that they are founded on justice and safety for all students.
  • Decision-making centres students, families and staff who have been and are systemically marginalized and oppressed and/or are experiencing vulnerabilities.
  • High expectations for all, with attention to identity-affirmation, appropriate instructional starting points and scaffolded/ differentiated learning so all can thrive.
Guiding Principles image
Caring and Learning Plan Approach

Transitioning Back to School

The pandemic and school closures have affected students and families in different ways. Our Caring and Learning Plan focuses on:

  • Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Building Anti-Colonial, Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Environments
  • Planning, Instruction and Assessment

Mental health, emotional connection and well-being are foundational to academic learning.  Educators are being provided with resources to support students’ mental health and well-being, including OCT Professional Advisory:  Supporting Students’ Mental Health.  It is important that we acknowledge and honour the emotional effects of the past year. Staff will be prioritizing positive mental health and emotional connection, and creating a healthy, safe, identity-affirming  and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Colonialism, racism and oppression are infused into education systems. We are responsible for acknowledging that many communities are underserved, due to a range of marginalizations, based on social identities. It is therefore necessary to question our mindset and actions as we design and construct the learning and learning environments for students. We are providing all staff with resources that include identifying oppressive ideologies and practices,  and affirming, anti-colonial, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive practices in classroom and school environments.

We will continue to engage in promising practices from virtual and in-person experiences that centre the needs of students and families. 

We are committed to supporting the transition of all learners, with particular attention to those communities who have experienced historic and contemporary oppression, and for whom the impacts of this marginalization have been amplified by the pandemic. As educators plan for the 2021-2022 school year, it is critical to put marginalized students at the forefront, focusing on understanding our  learners, shared voice and high expectations for all learners. Educators have been and will continue to be supported with learning and resources in order to create identity-affirming learning environments with a focus on:

  • Setting up a Hybrid Classroom 
  • Building Inclusive Relationships and Learning Environments
  • Getting to Know the Learners
  • Planning Considerations
  • Assessment