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Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

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Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

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PEAC Regional Symposium

PEAC REgional Sympoaium

Annual PEAC Regional Symposium – “Parent Voice Matters!”  

The Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) and Leadership Development and Engagement wan to thank all who attended the annual PEAC Regional Symposium (virtual) on May 4, 2022.  We had over 560 parents, families and community members register for the event and over 230 attend the live virtual event.  



View the video recording from May 4th for the PEAC Symposium main keynote by Dr. Alex Russell.


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The evening's agenda was as follows:

Opening Remarks - Director of Education, Louise Sirisko and Allan Tam, Board Chair

A YRDSB StoryLand Acknowledgement through Movement, YRDSB grade 7 and 8 students 

Keynote Keeping them Safe while Helping them Grow: Supporting children’s emotional growth in challenging times, Dr. Alex Russell

Workshop Presentations - Registrants select from over 20 workshop presentations offered by various community, staff and parent presenters

Closing - PEAC Co-Chair, Tina Sharma

Dr. Alex Russell, a clinical psychologist who lives and works in Toronto, shared Keeping them Safe while Helping them Grow: Supporting children’s emotional growth in challenging times:

Over the two past two years, the shutting down of children’s activities has had significant impacts on their academic, social and emotional development, as well as placing incredible strains on parents and educators. This workshop offers parents an understanding of these academic, social and emotional impacts, as well as clear and helpful guidelines to help support children in the months and years ahead. Parents gain a perspective that helps them slowly shift the weight of responsibility to their children as they grow – something that helps children take on anxiety adaptively, at the same time as they experience the sense of mastery and competence such growth generates. 


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