Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Students are now required to earn two asynchronous Online Learning credits to graduate from secondary school, beginning with every student who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year.

The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing:

  • familiarity and comfort with working and learning in a fully online environment
  • digital literacy
  • other important transferable skills that will help prepare them for success after graduation and in all aspects of their lives

Meeting the Online Learning graduation requirement should not pose a barrier to graduation for students. As with all learning, students taking online courses will have access to the supports they need through their school, (e.g., Individual Education Plan, guidance, and services for English-language learners).


Opting Out of the Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation. Students age 18 years of age or older or students who are 16 or 17 years of age and have withdrawn from parental control can also opt out of the graduation requirement. School boards must also allow for students and parents/guardians to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.

Currently, we are seeking opt-out requests only from students in grade 10. A form will be sent to all families of grade 10 students in late May 2022. Please contact your school for further assistance. 

If you do not wish to opt out, no action is required.

Students working towards other certificates (for example, the certificate of accomplishment or an Ontario Secondary School certificate) are not required to complete the Online Learning graduation requirement, yet may be encouraged to enroll in online learning courses to support the development of digital literacy and other important transferable skills that help prepare them for success after graduation and in all aspects of their lives.


Frequently Asked Questions


Online Learning courses are courses that are taught online asynchronously (not live). Online Learning classes do not meet for regularly scheduled virtual classes.

Asynchronous (not live). All Online Learning credits earned at a school authorized to offer credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma may count towards the graduation requirement.

The online learning graduation requirement applies to all students earning credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, beginning with students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year or later. 

It does not apply if students have opted out of the requirement.

The Online Learning graduation requirement does not apply to students earning credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Certificate or Certificate of Achievement.


All secondary students are eligible to take an online learning course including students earning credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Ontario Secondary School Certificate or Certificate of Achievement.

Course offerings will be determined based on student needs across the system. Course availability will be shared with schools at a later date.

In recognition of the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education has stated that one secondary school credit successfully completed by Grade 9 students during the province-wide school closure (April to June 2021) may be counted towards the Online Learning graduation requirement.

Online Learning courses offered through your day school and Online Learning summer school courses meet this requirement.

Adult learners may also count Online Learning night school credits towards this requirement.

A student’s accumulation of Online Learning credits or their desire to opt-out will be recorded in our Student Information System and communicated on the student’s transcript.

Virtual School

No. As these courses are delivered in a synchronous learning model, they do not qualify to be counted towards this graduation requirement.

Courses offered at SVS are taught synchronously by a teacher, with defined attendance time for students.

Courses offered through Online Learning are teacher-lead through an asynchronous learning model.


Yes, students enrolled in SVS can take Online Learning courses as part of their timetable.

Opting Out of Online Learning Requirement

Yes, students and families may opt out of this requirement.

Currently, we are seeking opt-out requests only from students in grade 10. A form will be sent to all families of grade 10 students in late May 2022. Please contact your school for further assistance. 

If you do not wish to opt out, no action is required.


The opt-out process will be communicated each year during school start-up in the fall.

No. Opting out may occur at any time during the student’s secondary program. The opportunity to opt out will be communicated each year at the time of course selection.


Have questions?

Please contact your school guidance department for more information.