Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Guideline for Policy and Procedure Review

Learn more about the YRDSB Policy Review process:


The Board’s policy and procedure development and review process is a collaborative process involving trustees, staff, school councils and members of the educational community.

The following questions are taken into consideration by trustees, staff members and various other stakeholders engaged in the review process when recommending changes to Board policy and/or procedure.

  1. Does the policy and/or procedure support the learning, achievement and well-being of students and staff and align with the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values?

  2. Does the policy and/or procedure align with the Multi-Year Plan, the Director’s Annual Plan and Board, School and Workplace Improvement Plans?

  3. Has the policy and/or procedure been reviewed through the equity and inclusivity lens?

  4. Is the policy and/or procedure written in plain language that is clear to all staff and our parent and school communities?  What changes, if any, are recommended to the wording?

  5. Who will be impacted by these changes?  How will they be impacted?  Who else needs to provide input into this document and how?

As outlined in Policy and Procedure #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, parents, staff and other members of the educational community are encouraged to seek clarification about Board policies and procedures through their school principal, manager or superintendent (where applicable) and provide feedback on policies and/or procedures that are related to their role, through their school council, principal, manager or superintendent (where applicable).

When providing input on Board policies and procedures, the following questions should be considered.

  • Does the feedback align with the role of the school council or advisory committee or my role with the Board?

  • Does the feedback support Board priorities, including, but not limited to, the Multi Year Plan, Director’s Annual Plan and the school or department improvement plan?

  • Does the feedback represent the needs of students, staff and other members of the educational community?

  • What other factors might trustees and staff members need to be aware of in making any future revisions to this policy and/or procedure?

Formal comment may be submitted, in accordance with the processes outlined in Policy and Procedure #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, at, via fax at 905-727-3984 or sent in hard copy format (contact us) to the attention of the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy.

Your feedback should include the following: 

  •  identification of the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure you would like to see addressed;

  • a rationale for the concerns; and

  • specific, alternate wording to reflect the position of the person(s) submitting a response.

Please contact the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy at or at extension 2570 if you have any questions about the policy and procedure review process.

Policy and By-Law Committee
March 2015



Current Policies Under Review


Policy and Procedure #221.0, Student Trustees  

Executive Summary 

The Student Trustees policy and procedure supports student voice and the contribution of student leaders in the learning process. This policy and procedure outlines the process of student trustee appointments, support structure, professional development and expense reimbursement guidelines for student trustees.  

What has changed? 

Major Changes to the Document 
Aligned with Policy and Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services. 
Reason for Review Changes in legislation.  

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? 

All stakeholder groups with responsibilities. 

Implementation Timelines 


Lead Superintendents / Subject Matter Experts

 Director of Education and Manager Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services.

 Stakeholders with Responsibilities under this Policy 

  • Board of Trustees

  • Student Trustees

  • Director of Education

  • Chief Financial Officer

  • Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services

  • Corporate Communications Relationship to Board priorities 

The Student Trustee policy and procedure supports student voice, success and well-being by developing positive collaborative relationships among students and engaging students in their public education.    


What are the timelines and next steps? 

At the January 14, 2020 Board meeting trustees approved the Student Trustees policy to be circulated for comment for six school months. 
Comments received during this time will be scheduled for consideration at the appropriate committee meetings. 

How do I find out more or provide feedback? 

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.  

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.  

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form.  In your response please; 

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,

  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and

  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s). 

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.

Legislative Context 

Education Act  

Related Policies 

Travel, Meals and Hospitality Expenditures Student Leadership and Student Voice


Director’s Services   

Board Policy #221.0 Student Trustees  

Policy Statement 

The York Region District School Board elevates student voice in learning assessment and decision making. It recognizes and values the contribution all students make to the learning process.  Therefore, the York Region District School Board is committed to the annual appointment of two student trustees, elected by elementary and secondary students with support from the York Region Presidents’ Council. 


The Board of Trustees is responsible for:   

  • reviewing the Student Trustee policy in accordance with the approved policy review cycle;

  • understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Trustee policy, as required; and

  • assigning the Vice-Chair to act as a mentor for the student trustees throughout their term of office. 

Student Trustees are responsible for: 

  • promoting student leadership in York Region elementary and secondary schools in accordance with the Student Leadership and Student Voice policy;

  • providing an information report to the Board of Trustees at monthly Board Meetings;

  • fulfilling responsibilities as outlined in the Education Act;

  • acting as a conduit for information and ideas among the student body, the York Region Presidents’ Council and the Board of Trustees;

  • attending meetings such as, but not limited to, Board, advisory and other Board committee and meetings;

  • working with staff and the York Region Presidents’ Council to organize the election of two new student trustees before the last day of February annually, using a process that ensures equity of access to all students in York Region District School Board;

  • maintaining strictly confidential materials and related information discussed during Private Session of Board or committee meetings; and

  • adhering to Board policy, procedure and related guidelines regarding the appropriate use of technology. 

The Director of Education is responsible for: 

  • implementing and operationalizing the Student Trustee policy; and

  • overseeing all academic and other requirements for the York Region District School Board Secondary School Cooperative Education Credit Program for student trustees during their term of office in conjunction with the senior staff member assigned, to support the student trustees. 


Director’s Office   



Approved: 1996  Revised: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2011, October 2015

Working Document: December 2014, January 2020 

It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property; or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities will respect the policies and procedures of the Board. The term “parents” refers to both biological/adoptive parents and guardians in all Board policies and procedures. 


Board Procedure #221.0 Student Trustees

 Procedure Statement 

This procedure outlines the process for providing services to assist student trustees in their capacity as representatives of the student body working with the publicly elected Board of Trustees.  It also defines the reimbursement of miscellaneous, professional development and communication expenses incurred by student trustees in the fulfillment of their duties under the Education Act.  This procedure also outlines provisions to facilitate student trustee communications with the student body, Board staff, the Board of Trustees, other student trustees and student trustee associations. 


  • Student trustees must be a student in Grade 11 or 12 and hold all qualifications for the position as outlined in Ontario Regulation 7/07 Student Trustees for the duration of their term of office.  

  • The term of office shall be one year in length and start August 1 in the year in which they are elected to July 31 the following year. 

  • Vacancies shall be filled by a by-election in a manner determined by the Board in consolation with student trustees and York Region Presidents’ Council. 

Communication Expenses  

Legitimate costs for equipment and related services used by student trustees to ensure they are accessible to students, parents, staff and members of the community for the purpose of conducting Board and student trustee business.

They include, but are not limited to; 

  • residential high-speed internet;  

  • a dedicated trustee residential telephone line; and

  • one of the following cellular phone options;  

  • a personal dedicated cellular phone and service plan, or  

  • a Board-provisioned cellular phone and service plan. 

  • Student trustees may be reimbursed a maximum of $50.00 one time during a one-year term to cover the cost of purchasing a cellular phone or other telecommunication device dedicated to trustee business.   

  • Additional communication expenses incurred while performing student trustee duties, such as, but not limited to, initial set-up fees for home phone and/or internet and long-distance charges on a personal home phone or cellular phone may be eligible for reimbursement. Student trustees will be required to submit documentation (including original receipts) regarding additional communication expenses, including related rationale, for consideration and reimbursement, where applicable, using a monthly expense form.   

  • Student trustees will not be reimbursed for the cost of conducting personal business (including longdistance charges) on any cellular phone or residential telephone line.  


 Miscellaneous Expenses  

  • May include, but are not limited to, mileage, public transportation, and other reasonable and legitimate expenses incurred while attending educational community and school events, public forums, and other functions that are related to the role of a student trustee and furthering the business of the Board in their capacity as a student trustee.   

  • Student trustees are encouraged to make arrangements to use public transportation or personal vehicles to attend Board and Committee Meetings and community events.   

  • In exceptional circumstances, where time or safety concerns are a factor, Student trustees may also use a pre-approved Board-provisioned taxi service up to a maximum of $150.00 per month to attend meetings or events in their capacity as student trustee.  

Professional Development Expenses (maximum $2,123.00 per term) 

  • May include, but are not limited to, registration fees, food, accommodation, parking and travel expenses incurred while attending Board-related professional development activities in their capacity as a student trustee. 

  • Each student trustee will be reimbursed a maximum of $2,123.00 for professional development expenses over their term. 

  • Board-supported Ontario Student Trustees’ Association Conferences Participation Guidelines 

Recognizing the important role that the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA) plays in public education in Ontario, student trustee participation in conferences is supported financially as follows: 

  • Any student trustee elected as a member of OSTA Executive Council shall attend meetings of the General Assembly (AGM) to represent the Board;

  • Each student trustee elect may attend the Annual General Meeting once prior to commencing their term of office;

  • Each student trustee may attend Fall General Meeting (FGM) or the Annual General Meeting one time during their term of office;

  • Any student trustee elected to a working group and/or Board Council of OSTA may attend FGM and AGM the year in which they are a student trustee. 

The costs associated with student trustee participation in OSTA conferences outlined above will be covered by the Board and not charged against their personal professional learning allocation.   

Additional funds may be available for trustees to attend OSTA conferences. All requests will be considered by Chair’s Committee in order to ensure equitable allocation of funds among all trustees. 

Trustees who chose to attend other OSTA sponsored conferences that do not fall into the provisions outlined above, are responsible for the costs using their professional learning allocation or personal resources. 


Student Trustees shall:

  • be an executive member of the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • adhere to prescribed limits regarding requests for reimbursement of miscellaneous, transportation, professional development and communications expenses in accordance with all applicable Board policies, procedures, guidelines and legislation;   

  • complete the Dedicated Trustee Home Phone and Internet Expenses Reimbursement Request Form and Trustee Cellular Phone Expenses Reimbursement Request Form to certify the maximum amount of communications expenses that are incurred for Board-related business;

  • adhere to Canada Revenue Agency requirements with regard to reimbursement for communication expense reimbursement;  

  • ensure that they continue to be qualified for the duration of their term of office;

  • if desired, apply for and meet all academic and other requirements associated with the York Region District School Board Secondary School Cooperative Education Credit Program for Student Trustees;

  • have the opportunity to attend professional development opportunities to support their role;

  • endeavour to keep all miscellaneous, professional development and communications expenses to a minimum;  

  • submit, on a monthly basis, all claims for miscellaneous and communications expenses including original itemized receipts in accordance with Board policy #221.0, Student Trustees and other all applicable policies, procedures, guidelines and legislation;

  • submit separate claims for reimbursement for professional development expenses including original itemized receipts in accordance with Board policy and procedure;

  • understand that professional development expenses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $2,123.00 per term;  

  • complete and submit, on a monthly bas

  • is, the Student Trustee Monthly Taxi Report with itemized receipts, when required; understand that claims for use of Board-provisioned taxi services will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $150.00 per month;  

  • adhere to all requirements with regard to communication tools and professional development allocations, as outlined in the Student Trustees policy and procedure;

  • provide Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services with contact information;

  • maintain the student trustee website, in conjunction with Corporate Communications and Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services;

  • ensure that official student trustee letterhead is used solely for communicating student trustee business; and

  • if applicable, complete the requirements of the York Region District School Board Secondary School Cooperative Education Credit Program for Student Trustees.  

The Director of Education shall: 

  • allocate staff and resources to support the Student Trustee procedure;  

  • review and approve all student trustee expenses; and

  • assign appropriate senior staff to support the work of the student trustees for the duration of their term.  

The Chief Financial Officer shall: 

  • ensure that student trustees receive their honoraria as outlined in provincial regulation;

  • allocate funds to support student trustees’ technology, travel, meals, accommodations, communication and professional development needs associated with performing their duties during their term of office; and

  • provide an annual report to the Board regarding student trustee expenses for professional development activities.  

Corporate Communications shall: 

  • provide support to Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services and the student trustees in maintaining the student trustee website; and

  • provide guidance to student trustees about the use of social media in their role.    



Policy and Procedure #635.0, Student Dress Code

Board Policy and Procedure #635.0, Student Dress Code outline the responsibilities of each school community to develop a student dress code.  

Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy 

  • Board of Trustees

  • Director of Education

  • Principals

  • School Staff Members

  • School Councils

  • Parents/Guardians

  • Students  

Relationship to Board Priorities 
The Student Dress Code policy and procedure support student achievement and well-being by ensuring that students dress in an appropriate manner for learning which demonstrates respect for themselves and others. 

Implementation Timelines

Document History and Previous Versions
Approved 2002 Revised 2008 Working Document February 2014 Revised November 2014

Board Policy #635.0 Student Dress Code 

Policy Statement 

The York Region District School Board believes that students must focus on achievement and well-being to be successful. It is important that students dress appropriately to demonstrate respect for self and others at all times.   

Each school shall establish a student dress code that promotes a caring, safe and respectful learning environment.  All student dress codes must consider the diversity of the community in terms of culture, socioeconomic status, gender and other factors.   

The student dress code applies at school, on field trips and during any other school-related activity or event. 


The Board of Trustees is responsible for: 

  • reviewing the Student Dress Code policy in accordance with the priorities in the Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan and the approved policy review cycle; and

  • understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Dress Code policy, as required. 

The Director of Education is responsible for: 

  • implementing and operationalizing the Student Dress Code policy. 

Principals are responsible for: 

  • informing students, staff and parents of the student dress code;

  • working with the school council to develop the student dress code in accordance with Board policies and procedures;  

  • ensuring the student dress code is followed; and

  • working with the school council, review the student dress code every two years. 

School staff members are responsible for: 

  • supporting the implementation of the student dress code. 

School Councils are responsible for: 

  • working with the principal to develop the student dress code in consultation with students, parents and community members;

  • understanding that any school may adopt a school uniform in accordance with the Student Dress Code policy and procedure;

  • considering requests for the adoption of a school uniform; and

  • working with the principal to review the student dress code every two years. 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are responsible for: 

  • providing input on the development of the student dress code; and

  • ensuring their child follows the student dress code. 

 Students are responsible for: 

  • providing input on the development of the student dress code; and

  • following the student dress code. 

Legislative Context 

Education Act 

Student Dress Code 
Student dress code is a standard for all students that meets school community expectations for appropriate dress.  
The student dress code may include a school uniform.   
School Uniform 
A school uniform is a set of standardized clothes selected by the school community and worn by all students.   

Education and Community Services

 Policy History 
Approved 2002 Revised 2008 Working Document February 2014 Revised November 2014  

Board Procedure #635.0 Student Dress Code 

This procedure outlines actions to be followed while initiating, managing and maintaining the student dress code.   

Application of Procedure 
Considerations for developing a student dress code: 

  • safety;

  • Ontario Human Rights Code;  

  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

  • socioeconomic factors; • mobility;

  • consequences for not complying;

  • students with special needs;

  • cultural and religious issues;

  • weather; and

  • age of students. 

Adopting a School Uniform  
Any school may adopt a school uniform.   
In order to adopt a school uniform, a vote must be held.  In that vote, 80 per cent or more of all potential ballots must support the proposal. The principal will determine the method of voting, choosing one of the examples below: 
a) if parents are given one vote per child in the school or one vote is given to an adult student in the school, and there are 1,000 students in the school, 800 or more affirmative ballots are required to adopt the proposed school uniform; or b) if families are given one vote per family and there are 500 families in the school, 400 or more affirmative ballots are required to adopt the proposed school uniform. 


Adult student 
 An adult student is a pupil of the Board who is 18 years of age or older or who is 16 or 17 years of age and has withdrawn from parental control. 

The Director of Education shall: 

  • allocate staff and resources to support the Student Dress Code procedure.   

 Principals shall:  

  • ensure that the school has a student dress code;

  • where a school uniform is recommended, organize a vote on the adoption of the uniform, including;

  • determining the method of voting,

  • establishing timelines for the voting process, and

  • ensuring that the formal vote shall be to “accept” or “reject”,

  • after a uniform is adopted, establish and implement the uniform; and

  • in schools where a school uniform has been adopted, ensure that all students, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to the school uniform, working with the school council.  

 Staff Members shall:  

  • inform students of the student dress code; and • work with the principal to ensure the student dress code is followed.  

 School Councils shall:  

  • work with the principal to develop and/or review the student dress code; 

  • if a school uniform is recommended, work with the principal to;

  • determine proposed uniform(s), taking into account dress code considerations and consulting with staff, parents/guardians, students and community members,

  • where there is more than one school uniform option, distribute the proposed uniform to all parents/guardians, students and staff and organize a survey to determine the final proposed school uniform,  

  • the final uniform proposal will be the one that receives at least 50 per cent of respondents in support on the survey, and

  • clearly communicate the final uniform recommendation, including a description and cost, to all school families;

  • assist the principal in organizing a vote on the adoption of the uniform;

  • limit formal votes on the school uniform to once every three years; and

  • work with the principal to monitor the student dress code on an ongoing basis. 

 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall:  

  • ensure their child follows the student dress code, including school uniform where applicable; and

  • participate in any process for determining whether or not the school will adopt a school uniform. 

 Students shall:  

  • comply with the student dress code, including school uniform where applicable. 

 Education and Community Services 

Procedure History 
July 2002 Revised 2008  Working Document February 2014 Revised November 2014 
*It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to o visiting Board property; or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities will respect the policies and procedures of the Board. The term “parents” refers to both biological/adoptive parents and guardians i all Board policies and procedures. 

Policy and Procedure #672.0, Student Leadership and Student Voice

The Student Leadership and Student Voice policy and procedure recognizes and supports student leadership and student voice as resonant forces in establishing a thriving learning environment for each learner in the Board. 

What has changed? 

Major Changes to the Document This policy has subsumed Policy #660.0, Political Clubs in Secondary Schools. It is now referred to as Procedure #672.1 Political Clubs in Secondary Schools.  Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All persons who have responsibilities outlined below. 

Implementation Timelines 


Lead Superintendents/Subject Matter Expert 

Superintendent of Education, Human Resource Services Operations 

Who has responsibilities?  

  • Board of Trustees

  • Student Trustees

  • Director of Education

  • Coordinating Superintendent, Equity and Community Services

  • Elementary and Secondary Principals

  • Student Councils or Alternative Student Leadership Group Staff Advisors

  • York Region Presidents’ Council

  • Student Councils and Alternative Student Leadership Group Members/Representatives

  • Students

  • Board and Trustee Services  

  • Advisors to the York Region Presidents’ Council 

 How is this policy and/or procedure related to Board priorities? 

This policy and procedure supports the Board’s commitment to promoting student achievement and wellbeing, the stewardship of Board resources and the delivery of effective and sustainable education programs by engaging students as partners in their learning and public education and enhancing confidence in public education.   

What are the timelines and next steps? 

At the March 6, 2018 Board meeting, this policy was adopted as a working document for six school months. Feedback received during this time will be shared with the appropriate staff and committees for appropriate consideration.

How do I find out more or provide feedback? 

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor.   If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.  


In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.   
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form.  In your response please; 

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,

  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and

  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s). 

Board Policy #672.0 Student Leadership and Student Voice 

Policy Statement 

The York Region District School Board recognizes that student leadership and student engagement are resonant forces in establishing a thriving learning environment for each learner in the Board. The Board is committed to ensuring that student voice effectively represents the diverse student body, including the silent voices of marginalized students, and is heard and considered in decision-making at all levels.  Students in the York Region District School Board are encouraged to advocate for the needs of their peers and engage in the political process through student led learning opportunities in schools. 


The Board of Trustees is responsible for: 

  • recognizing the importance of promoting the student leadership and voice throughout the Board;

  • being aware of and recognizing the work of student councils or alternative elementary student leadership groups in their schools;  

  • acknowledging and taking into consideration suggestions and concerns made by student councils, alternative elementary student leadership groups and the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • taking advantage of opportunities to attend meetings of the York Region Presidents’ Council and/or meeting with student councils or alternative elementary student leadership groups;

  • reviewing the Student Leadership and Student Voice policy in accordance with the priorities in the MultiYear Plan and the approved policy review cycle; and

  • understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Leadership and Student Voice policy and procedures, as required. 

Student Trustees are responsible for: 

  • giving the student population a meaningful voice in Board deliberations and acting as a conduit for the flow of information and ideas between trustees, staff members and the student body;

  • being accessible to student council or alternative elementary student leadership group members from across the region to listen to their concerns and suggestions;

  • attending all meetings of the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • consulting with students on matters being considered by the Board; and

  • maintaining open lines of communication at all times between themselves and students to discuss issues and ideas;

  • maintaining the YRPC website, in conjunction with Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services staff; and

  • understand and adhere to the responsibilities under the Student Trustees policy. 

The Director of Education is responsible for: 

  • implementing and operationalizing the Student Leadership and Student Voice policy and procedures;

  • recognizing and promoting the importance of student voice throughout the Board; and

  • supporting the Student Trustees to discuss student matters at a system level. 



Alternative Elementary Student Leadership Group 
A representational body of elementary students that actively represents student voice and is consulted on issues that could benefit from student consultation.  This group also works to improve the school community and act as a link between school administration and the students. 

Student Councils  
Democratically-elected student-run groups that represent student voice, work to improve school spirit and enhance school community through various school and community initiatives and events. Student councils may also be known as a Student Activity/Administrative Council (SAC), Board of Student Senators (BOSS) or a variety of other names.   

York Region Presidents’ Council 
The official secondary school student senate of the York Region District School Board, with the mission of promoting and enhancing communication and co-operation, inspiring and fostering leadership, and collecting the voice of secondary school students. 


Director’s Office 


Approved: 2011 Working Document: February 2015, March 2018 Revised: November 2015 

Board Procedure #672.0 Student Leadership and  Student Voice 

This procedure outlines the collaborative process by which student leadership and student voice will be encouraged, facilitated and recognized at all levels in the Board and explains the roles of staff and students in the York Region District School Board with respect to student leadership, student voice and student involvement.


Student Activity Fees    

Student activity fees are optional fees, collected from elementary and secondary students, to provide cocurricular activities and supplies for students throughout the upcoming school year.  


The Director of Education shall: 

  • appoint one senior staff member to act as an advisor for the York Region President’s Council and support student matters at a system level. 

The senior staff member identified to support the York Region Presidents’ Council shall: 

  • appoint four secondary vice-principals, one from each Community Education Centre, to act as advisors for the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • encourage Board-wide involvement in the York Region Presidents’ Council through discussions with student trustees, principals, Board staff, and the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • bring to the attention of the principals matters that would benefit from student consultation;

  • provide guidance to the York Region Presidents’ Council on council operations;

  • encourage student council or alternative elementary student leadership group activities within all York Region schools; and

  • identify policy matters which require, or would benefit from, consultation from student representatives. 

Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services shall: 

  • provide appropriate guidance and assistance to Student Trustees in their role as student leaders;

  • notify York Region Presidents’ Council Vice-Principal Advisors of the Student Trustee and York Region Presidents’ Council Communications Protocol;

  • review and distribute any appropriate communications for the Student Trustees in conjunction with the senior staff member identified to support the York Region Presidents’ Council; and

  • assist Student Trustees with the review and posting of information on the Student Trustee and York Region Presidents’ Council websites.  

Secondary vice-principals appointed as advisors to the York Region Presidents’ Council shall: 

  • supervise meetings of the York Region Presidents’ Council;

  • moderate Student Trustee and York Region Presidents’ Council executive elections; and

  • support the distribution of materials at York Region Presidents’ Council meetings. 

Elementary principals shall: 

  • where there is a desire to have a student council or, alternative student leadership group, ensure it is democratically selected and representative of the student body;

  • ensure that there is, at minimum, one staff member who is able to act in an advisory role on the student council or alternative elementary student leadership group;

  • make leadership opportunities available for students, whenever possible; and

  • take into consideration the perspective of student council or alternative student leadership group representatives on matters affecting the general student body.  

Secondary principals shall: 

  • establish a democratically-elected student council that represents the student body;

  • appoint, at minimum, one staff member to act in an advisory role on the student council;

  • request input from student council members on matters related to students;

  • consider and approve, as appropriate, student council proposals for student events and initiatives;

  • notify the York Region Presidents’ Council of their schools’ president(s), vice-president(s), third student representative, and staff advisor(s) within 30 days of their election;

  • share York Region Presidents’ Council communications with student council members;

  • determine an appropriate student council budget in consultation with student council members; and

  • provide student councils with a physical location to meet and plan initiatives, such as a student council office or designated classroom;

  • ensure that student council events aim to be inclusive of all students; and

  • consult regularly with student council representatives on matters relating to specific issues and policies that affect the general student body within their school. 

Student Council or Alternative Student Leadership Group Staff Advisors shall: 

  • monitor the progress of members of the student council or alternative elementary student leadership group to ensure they continue to succeed academically;

  • work collaboratively with student leaders to identify ways to actively engage students toward increased student success; and

  • support student council or alternative elementary student leadership group events and endeavours. 

The York Region Presidents’ Council (YRPC) shall: 

  • hold monthly general assembly meetings;

  • provide organized leadership opportunities, as appropriate;

  • schedule and participate in elections for Student Trustees prior to April 30th annually;

  • conduct York Region Presidents’ Council elections for executive positions annually in May;  

  • send notices of York Region Presidents’ Council meetings and elections to each school in the Board;

  • make every effort to provide student councils with the necessary support to thrive and flourish;

  • enhance communication and foster cooperation between students, student councils, and Student Trustees in the region;

  • be inclusive of all secondary schools in the York Region District School Board;

  • provide a forum for secondary students to meet and voice their concerns and share their opinions; and

  • give reasonable notice to students of meeting dates, event dates, student trustee elections and YRPC executive elections. 

Elementary student council or alternative elementary student leadership group members/representatives shall: 

  • conduct democratic elections for student council positions, where applicable;

  • coordinate student-led events to ensure they do not conflict with each other in principle or in scheduling;

  • schedule regular student council or alternative elementary student leadership group meetings;

  • provide input on student related matters, when requested;

  • bring student issues to the attention of administrators;

  • organize both spirit and educational events that are inclusive of the whole student body with the cooperation of staff supervisors;

  • serve as the main contact for consultation on matters related to the student body;

  • liaise with Student Trustees, as appropriate, on issues pertaining to the student body;

  • actively collaborate with school staff members, students, parents/guardians and trustees;  

  • work proactively with the school administration, when appropriate, to resolve issues related to the interests of the student body;  

  • work to improve school spirit in the learning environment;   

  • create a forum for student-led clubs and councils to meet and share information about student-related matters; and

  • represent the student body and actively voice student concerns to the principal on school-related issues. 

Secondary student council members/representatives shall: 

  • conduct democratic elections for student council positions;  

  • coordinate student-led events to ensure they do not conflict with each other in principle or in scheduling;

  • attend and represent their school communities at all York Region Presidents’ Council meetings;

  • schedule regular student council meetings;

  • provide input on student related matters, when requested;  

  • bring student issues to the attention of administrators;

  • organize both spirit and educational events that are inclusive of the whole student body with the cooperation of staff supervisors; and

  • appoint one member of the student council to represent their school at the York Region Presidents’ Council executive elections and Student Trustee elections;

  • serve as the main contact for consultation on matters related to the student body;

  • liaise with Student Trustees on issues pertaining to the student body;

  • work proactively and collaboratively with the school administration, when appropriate, to discuss issues related to the interests of the student body;

  • work to improve school spirit in the learning environment;

  • create a forum for student-led clubs and councils to meet and share information about student-related matters;  

  • represent the student body on the school council and actively voice student concerns on issues;

  • keep the students in their schools informed about their role as a representative body and about the activities of the York Region Presidents’ Council; and  

  • inform and engage students in leadership opportunities available to them within the Board with support from Student Trustees and the York Region Presidents’ Council. 

Students shall: 

  • have the opportunity to provide input into the selection of student council or alternative elementary student leadership group members;  

  • be engaged in the process of selecting the York Region District School Board Student Trustees, as appropriate;  

  • be given the chance to lead and participate in school clubs and activities at their leisure;

  • strive to support the health and well-being of the student community; 

  •  be aware of the student council or alternative elementary student leadership group activities within their school;  

  • bring to the attention of their student leaders any issues or suggestions that affect the student community; and

  • make reasonable efforts to participate in applicable student council, alternative elementary student leadership group and other leadership opportunities in a respectful and ethical manner. 


Director’s Office 


Approved 2011 Working Document: February 2015, March 2018 Revised November 2015 


Board Procedure #672.1 Student Leadership and Student Voice: Political Clubs in Secondary Schools 

The York Region District School Board recognizes the educational value of student participation in the Canadian political process through learning opportunities in schools. The procedure outlines the process for operating political clubs in secondary schools. 


This procedure is not intended to sanction or approve of any particular political party or any political activity prohibited by law.  Student engagement in the Canadian political process might include forming all-party parliamentary or partisan political clubs and/or organizing, for students, presentations by political candidates or elected representatives. Political clubs may not fundraise in schools. 

All-Candidate Meetings 

All-candidate meetings provide opportunities for all individuals running for a particular office to present information and answer questions during the election campaign period.    All candidate meetings may be organized by political clubs provided all candidates running for a particular office have equal opportunity to participate. These meetings may be held in schools or other Board facilities during the school day with approval by the principal.   


The Director of Education shall: 

  • allocate staff and resources to support the implementation of the Political Clubs in Secondary Schools procedure. 

Principals shall: 

  • ensure political clubs operate within the framework of the extra-curricular program;

  • ensure a staff advisor oversees the political club;

  • approve all-candidate meetings held during the school day; and

  • ensure partisan advertising such as, but not limited to, political lawn signs and literature, is not posted or distributed on Board property. 

Staff Advisors shall: 

  • oversee all activities and attend all meetings of political clubs;

  • not schedule political club meetings during instructional time;

  • ensure all school announcements of meetings, verbally or in print, are restricted to the time and place of meeting;  

  • ensure the cost of operating a partisan political club is funded by its members;   

  • oversee the organizing of all-candidate meetings in accordance with all requirements of the Political Clubs in Secondary Schools procedure and ensure;

  • approval by the principal,

  • sufficient notice is given to all candidates,

  • candidates that are unable to attend are aware they may send a designate,  

  • candidates provide written confirmation of attendance or regrets at least one week before the meeting,

  • the meeting proceeds if two or more candidates for the same position are able to attend, and

  • the meeting is rescheduled or cancelled if only one candidate for the same position, where more than one is registered for a position, is able to attend;

  • ensure partisan political clubs do not receive funds from any outside organization, political or otherwise; and

  • not use their position to influence the political views of students. 

Students shall: 

  • promote discussion of issues rather than personalities;  

  • share meeting agendas in an objective way that is not designed to influence the thinking or political position of students; and

  • respect different political views.  

Student Councils shall: 

  • consider requests by all-party parliamentary clubs for student council funds; and

  • ensure the process to consider and provide funds to support the activities of political clubs in secondary schools is fair, equitable and non-partisan. 


Formerly Policy and Procedure #660.0, Political Clubs in Secondary Schools

Working Draft: March 2018 

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora. 

It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property; or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities will respect the policies and procedures of the Board. The term “parents” refers to both biological/adoptive parents and guardians in all Board policies and procedures. 


Policies and Procedures Under Review


Feedback Form

Board Policy and Procedure #221, Student Trustees Submit your feedback
Board Policy and Procedure #635, Student Dress Code Submit your feedback
Board Policy and Procedure #672.0, Student Leadership and Student Voice Submit your feedback