Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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K-12 Online Learning Platforms (Google, D2L) and Tools (Edsby).

Online Learning platforms​

Elementary and Secondary Secondary Only
Google Class​​room​ - ​Online learning and collaboration tools through Google Apps for Education.​ D2L​ - Access the YRDSB D2L Virtual Learning Environment.​​​​

GSuite tools are compatible and accessible through the above online learning platforms, and should be used to support students online and in blended learning environments.  


Synchronous Learning Tools to be used within Online Learning Platforms (Elementary and Secondary)

  • Google Meet
  • Zoom


Communication Tool 

Ed​s​by - Access your Edsby classroom. This platform lets families see what’s happening with your child at school, and access tools like online attendance reporting. Learn more about the platform and how to access some of​ the available features below. Contact your school to find out what features they are using.


Virtual Sc​hools



In order to help our families best use our K-12 Online Learning Platforms (Google and D2L) and other communication tools (Edsby) we have developed a series of resources and frequently asked questions to assist in navigating the platforms.


Logging into ​Googl​​​e Chro​me

Accessing GAPPS E​mail

Accessing Google​​ Classroom

Accessing Google ​M​eet Through YRDSB Online Learning Platforms

Acces​sing Google Mee​t Through Google Classroom 

Accessing and Turning in Assignments

Using Google Translate with Google Meet

Booking for Retri​eval of Items from School

D2L Res​o​urces

Edsby Resou​rces​