Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert


Environments that ensure equity of access, are inclusive and promote proactive approaches that are responsive to students with learning disabilities.​

System Actions

  • Set conditions to ensure reflective and collaborative practices
  • Set high expectations and support all students with learning disabilities to achieve those expectations
  • Make asset based decisions
  • Understand stigma and the impact it has on students with learning disabilities
  • Foster mentally healthy learning environments that supports resiliency, self-advocacy and stigma reduction
  • Develop growth mindsets that encourage students to be autonomous and independent learners
  • Construct a strategic plan for the seamless access and use of assistive technology for students with learning disabilities

School Actions

  • ​​Engage in reflective and collaborative practices
  • Embrace responsibility for all students with learning disabilities
  • Build a culture of inclusion and high expectations that is responsive to students with learning disabilities
  • Intentionally develop a culture of growth mindset
  • Identify stigma, barriers to inclusion and the impact they have on students with learning disabilities
  • Empower students to understand and use their learning profile
  • Ensure full implementation of the seamless access and use of assistive technology
  • Construct flexible learning environments (time, space, resources) that support individual strengths and needs
  • Create an environment that encourages and responds positively to student advocacy as a tool to increase student achievement and well-being

Classroom Actions​

  • ​Elicit student voice and provide choice
  • Co-create learning opportunities, spaces, routines and classroom expectations to support diverse learners
  • Develop students as self-advocates for their learning strengths, needs and interests
  • Ensure students with learning disabilities are active agents in their learning and have voice in the development of their pathway
  • Create safe learning environments and m​entally healthy classrooms
  • Invite learners to take risks, explore new ideas and feel safe and comfortable in doing so
  • Create a learning environment that reduces stigma and fosters inclusion
  • Create a learning environment that supports and encourages the use of assistive technology​