York Region District School Board
The Education Centre - Aurora
60 Wellington Street West
Aurora, ON
L4G 3H2
Phone Numbers
Calling From | Switchboard | Automated |
Aurora & King | 905-727-3141 | 905-727-0022 |
Newmarket & East Gwillimbury | 905-895-7216 | 905-895-7227 |
Georgina | 905-722-3201 | 905-722-6255 |
Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Whitchurch-Stouffville |
416-969-8131 | 416-969-7170 |
(905) 727-1931
School Contact Information
To contact your school directly, find your school profile.
Frequently Contacted Departments
Please dial a switchboard number before entering the extension number. The main automated switchboard is 905-727-0022.
Department |
Phone or Extension Number |
2266, 2262 2387, and 2217 |
2281 |
2565 |
2150 |
2272 |
3419 |
2278 |
905-884-2046 |
905-884-2046, ext. 272 |
2555, 2503 and 2027 |
2479 |
2424 |
3554 |
2202 |
4460 |
3235 |
2111 |
905-884-2046 or Toll Free:1-877-280-8180 ext 243 |
905-713-2535, ext. 4551 |
905-918-0080 or 1-888-811-0229 |
905-884-3434 or 1-877-280-8180 |
905-884-3434 or 1-877-280-8180 |
Superintendents and Community Education Centres
Locate the Community Education Centre for your area.
Meet the Board's Senior Leadership Team, including Associate Directors of Education and Director of Education.
Website Feedback Form
Or visit our departments pages: