Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Experience Secondary School

Welcome to secondary school! Our secondary schools offer a high-quality education, welcoming environments and a range of opportunities for students to explore their interests and gain new skills. You can also search for these opportunities by sector

It is important to us that all of our students feel valued, respected and supported. There are many people, supports and resources available to help you make the transition and be successful in secondary school. 


What can I expect in high school?

This is an exciting time of your life, and we hope that you make the most of your secondary school years. There are many opportunities to get involved in the life of the school, meet new people, explore your interests and try something new.  

There are more options available to you in secondary school, including:

  • Choice in the courses you take 
  • Specialized programs in a range of areas including business, the Arts, skilled trades, science and technology, and much more.  You can also search for these opportunities by sector
  • More clubs and teams. Choose from extracurriculars in athletics, the Arts, technology, student leadership and more. 

  • You can expect to have more independence and responsibility in high school. We have lots of tips to help you stay organized, study, manage your stress and more. 
  • Regular attendance is important and is taken each period. Students can leave school grounds at lunchtime. 

You will select courses  for Grade 9 when you are in Grade 8. To help you in course selection, it is important to be aware of your options, graduation requirements  and to think about the different post-secondary pathways available to you. Your guidance department is there to help you with these important decisions. 

Learn more about:

We want all of our students to feel safe, welcome and supported at school and to be successful. Our caring staff will support you in transitioning and being successful in secondary school. 

Each secondary school has a plan and program to welcome and support the transition of Grade 9 students. Visit the open house or contact the school to find out what supports are in place. 

We strive to create environments where all of our students, staff members, families and community members feel safe, welcome, respected and valued. We are working intentionally through our Indigenous Education and Equity Strategy to create inclusive environments and to identify and remove barriers to student achievement. 

Each school has a code of conduct that outlines clear expectations for student behaviour and students. We reinforce appropriate behaviour while providing predictable and supportive consequences to inappropriate behaviour. Learn more about how we work to create caring and safe schools.