Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

French as a Second Language Program Review

The York Region District School Board has now completed a comprehensive review of its French as a Second Language (FSL) Program.

About the Review

The goal of the review was to ensure that the Board can continue to provide high quality and sustainable FSL instruction. York Region offers French as a Second Language instruction through two delivery models, Core and Immersion.

Core French is what most students experience. It begins in Grade 4 and is offered as a subject, as part of the regular Ontario Curriculum. French Immersion is a specialized optional program which begins in Grade 1. In French Immersion, subjects in the Ontario Curriculum are predominantly taught in French.


Information was gathered from staff, students and parents through focus groups, telephone and online surveys, meetings and email. Thousands of responses were received. The review also included additional research and an examination of best practices from other public education jurisdictions.

For both Core French and French Immersion, the results show that there is strong support for the current program models. However, the report highlights a number of key recommendations to ensure the Board continues to offer high quality, sustainable FSL programs.

Key recommendations include:

  • Core French
    • Infusing French in the primary grades through various subjects, e.g. teach the colours in French in arts.
    • Raising the profile of French within the school, e.g. through posters, assemblies, etc., and promote the benefit of knowing both Canada’s official languages.
    • Focusing on authentic oral language use.
    • Providing varied professional learning opportunities for Core French teachers with a focus on co-work and differentiation.
    • Integrating technology effectively to engage students and to provide authentic and relevant topics of conversations.
  • French Immersion
    • Establishing consistency among all schools, in terms of hours and subjects.
    • Clarifying expectations for special education services and accommodations.
    • Using existing vacant pupil spaces to create a variety of dual-track programs.

For More Information

For more information, please see the presentation and final report.

If you have any question about the FSL Review, please contact 905-727-0022 ext. 2340.