Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

School Council Forums


The 2023-2024 School Council Forum dates are as follows:

Date and Time

Thursday, October 19, 2023

5:30-8:30 p.m.


Bill Crothers SS

Monday, October 23, 2023

5:30-8:30 p.m.

North - Newmarket

Dr. Denison SS

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

5:30-8:30 p.m.


Richmond Hill HS

Monday, October 30, 2023

5:30-8:30 p.m.

North - Georgina

Keswick HS

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

5:30-8:30 p.m.


Tommy Douglas SS


If you have any questions about the school council forums, please contact 


Below you will find presentations from recent School Council Forums:

These will be updated as they are available.

School Council Fundraising Training Video:


YRDSB School Council: Fundraising

Fundraising Plan

  • Principal creates a fundraising plan for each school year, collaborate with school staff and school council

  • Must align with School Improvement Plan and Policy and Procedure - Fundraising and Administration of School Generated Funds

  • Funds should be spent in the year that they are raised


What Funds May be raised Versus What they May not be Raised For

Fundraising supports extracurricular activities/materials.

Funds may be raised for: 

  • Examples - school yard improvement projects such as playground, outdoor shade structures, outdoor basketball hoops, benches, outdoor projects must receive prior approval from Plant Services. 

  • Guest speakers, presentations

  • Extracurricular band equipment

Funds may not be raised for:

  • Items funded from the provincial government

  • Examples - textbooks, chairs, desks, building structural repair/maintenance like painting or replacing floors


Fundraising Reminders:

  • Collect funds online through School Cash Online, reduces handling of cash/cheques

  • Fundraising assemblies/events are to be held virtually with permission from Principal

  • Students must be directed not to go “door to door” to solicit sponsors/product sales

  • Fundraising should avoid food products until further notice

  • Schools may accept products at the school and distribute items prepackaged to students

  • Where the school receives the items, distribution to students can be done either by delivering them to their class to take home or through a pick-up process

  • Speak to your principal on the distribution process

  • Schools may accept products at the school and distribute items prepackaged to students

  • Where the school receives the items, distribution to students can be done either by delivering them to their class to take home or through a pick-up process.  

Schools are not to fundraise for COVID-19 health protection PPE. 


Who to contact with questions:

  • Connect with your principal first

  • Principal will then follow up with Quality Assurance, if necessary

Please visit the Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants webpage to view this presentation.

The following is a screen cast of the presentation from the Fall School Council Forum.


Supporting the ABCs of Mental Health at Home

Related Resources:

We recognize the important role that families hold in the development and support of your child’s well-being. The following resources may help you support your child and their learning at school. 

How to Talk With Your Child When you Feel Concerned They may be Struggling With a Mental Health Problem

This resource offers parents and families helpful tips and suggestions to help support conversations with your child about their mental health.

YRDSB Student Mental Health Supports

This page provides an overview of some of the YRDSB mental health supports available, family mental health newsletters, and partnerships with community mental health agencies.

The ABCs of Mental Health (YRDSB)
Family Mental Health Newsletters