Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Hiring Process

There are three (3) stages to the Vice-Principal Selection process (dates to be determined), each assessing candidates on different aspects of their leadership skills and abilities.  A resource has been developed which provides details of the process and further explains all of the stages.  Preparing for the Vice-Principal Selection Process will be available on the WWW and the BWW. 

If successful, candidates will receive communication from the Recruitment team and will move to the next stage of the process. 

  • Create a profile on Apply to Education

  • Upload Cover letter (maximum of 1 page) 

  • Upload Resume aligned with all 4 Domains of the YRDSB Leadership Framework for School Administrators (4 page maximum; including listed references; black font - Arial, size - 11)

  • Upload most recent Experienced Teacher Performance Appraisal

  • The Coordinating Team will review applications based on pre-screening requirements to determine candidates to move forward to Stage One.

  • Oral Presentation - 40 Minutes 

  • At the conclusion of your Oral Presentation, the panel will have a dialogue using the YRDSB Leadership Framework Reflective Question(s) that relate to your presentation to gain further insight into the candidates leadership and impact

  • The Selection Team will review and score Stage One responses to determine a short-list to move forward to Stage Two.

  • In person presentation at your work location

  • Interview Questions will be aligned with the YRDSB Leadership Framework, Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the Director’s Action Plan

  • Candidates will respond to a variety of interview questions.

  • The Selection Team will review and score Stage Two responses to determine a short-list to move forward to Stage Three.

Candidates will be asked to identify and provide three references (minimum) at the Stage One application process. References will be contacted at Stage 3.

References are to include: 

  • Current Principal/Supervisor:

    • who is the candidate’s current supervisor; AND

    • who was the immediate previous principal/supervisor, where the current Principal/Supervisor has been the candidate’s supervisor for less than 5 months (at time of application).

TWO Self-Selected Administrators (who have supervised the candidate and can confirm their leadership actions aligned with the YRDSB Leadership Framework)