Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Education Development Charges

YRDSB 2019 EDC By-law

2019 Education Development Charges By-Law (Effective July 1 2019)

YRDSB-YCDSB Education Development Charges Pamphlet

2019 Notice of Passage of EDC By-Laws

2019 Education Development Charges - Notice of Public Meetings​

2019 YRDSB Education Development Charges - Background Study​


YRDSB 2016 EDC Amendment

TAKE NOTICE that on the 13th day of December, 2016, the York Region District School Board passed the Education Development Charges Amending By-law, 2016-02, which amends the York Region District School Board’s 2014 Education Development Charges By-law, 2014-02. The amending by-law increases the education development charges to:

  • $5,416.00 per dwelling unit for residential development; and
  • $0.90 per square foot ($9.69 per square metre) of gross floor area for non-residential development

The amending by-law comes into force on December 18, 2016 and the rates will come into effect on March 1, 2017. No other amendment to the 2014 Education Development Charges By-law 2014-02 has been made in the amending by-law.

2016 Notice of Education Development Charges Amending By-Law

2016 Education Development Charges Amending By-Law

2016 Notice of Proposed Amendment to EDC By-law and Meeting​ **

** The public meeting of the Board scheduled for November 22, 2016 to discuss a proposed amendment to the Board’s Education Development Charge By-law took place as scheduled that evening however no decision was made about the amending by-law. The amending by-law was considered for passage at the regular meeting of the Board scheduled for December 13, 2016.

2016 Amendment Report (Revised November 24, 2016)


YRDSB 2014 EDC By-law

2014 Education Development Charges By-Law (Effective July 1 2014)

2014 Notice of Passage of EDC By-Laws

2014 Education Development Charges Background Study

2014 Education Development Charge Policy Review Report


YRDSB Policies

Board Policy #470.0 Education Development Charges: Alternative Arrangements for School Facilities

Board Policy #475.0 Education Development Charges: School Sites – Operating Budget Surplus


YRDSB 2009 EDC By-law

2009 Education Development Charges By-Law