Citizen Engagement
Your Opinions Count
The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to open dialogue with the members of its communities. Your views on policy issues and Board governance are welcomed and encouraged. Feedback helps to ensure that decisions made by the Board accurately reflect the needs and concerns of the communities it serves. All members of the Board's community are welcome to attend and observe public Board, Advisory and Board Committee meetings.
Further information regarding the Board's responsibilities can be found in the Education Act, the Board's Operational By-Law and Board Policy and Procedure #225.0, Governance.
Input from parents, students and staff members helps to ensure the Board’s actions and decisions accurately reflect the needs and concerns of the communities it serves.
How Can We Help You?
Our success as a public learning organization grows from meaningful and functional partnerships among members of the community, the schools and the Board. The Board is committed to increasing confidence in public education through accountability and transparency. Many policies, procedures and processes have been developed to support students, parents and the community.

Addressing the Board of Trustees
Please Note: The Board continues to follow pandemic protocols for safety and all meetings are currently held electronically. Public electronic webinar instructions and connection information is available on each public agenda.
The Board's Governance Directive Community Engagement and Delegation information can be found in Appendix E of the Board's Operational By-Law.
- May address a Board Standing Committee on a matter within the Committee’s Terms of Reference or on a specific item on the Committee's meeting agenda.
- May provide input in writing (including petitions), in person and/or using audio/visual technology (where the capacity for this is available at the Committee meeting location).
- Will be given up to ten minutes to make a presentation to the Committee (for each delegation).
Delegation requests:
- Must be received a minimum of 48 hours before the start of a Standing Committee meeting
- Be submitted through a Delegation Request Form. The Request Form may be submitted online, via mail, or delivered in person to:
Board Chair, and/or the Director’s Office, Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services
York Region District School Board
60 Wellington Street West
Aurora ON L4G 3H2
The Delegation Request Form requires the following information;
- name, home address and contact information (phone and/or email address) for each speaker*
- any affiliation with an association or group which has given consent for the Delegation to speak on its behalf
- the agenda item or subject matter the Delegation wishes to speak about, including preferred meeting date(s), if known
- a description of the Delegation’s general position and associated rationale, and
- one copy of any additional written materials, including petitions, for distribution at the meeting
* Delegates may choose to have up to three speakers share the ten minutes allotted for making a presentation, provided this information is submitted on the Delegation Request Form.
After your delegation request has been submitted:
- A tracking number will be sent directly to your email account. Please keep this number for reference purposes.
- Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services will contact you. The Governance and Board Organization Committee (GBOC) will receive all delegation requests. The committee meets in-person or via audio conference to discuss and make a decision about delegation requests.
Section 4:01:01 of the York Region District School Board Operational By-Law, outlines the actions that the GBOC may take when considering delegation requests. Issues of a private nature such as personnel, student and property matters, as well as those issues under litigation, are considered during Private Session.
A written record of proceedings is taken at all Board Standing and Committee of the Whole meetings held in Public Session. These records are posted on the Board's website for public access. The delegation's name, presentation, written submission and related discussion form part of the Board's official public meeting record. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal contact information provided on the Delegation Request Form will not be part of the public record.
Following the presentation, the Board may take immediate action or refer the matter to staff or another committee, pending further information or a staff report.