

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Roles and Responsibilities

The trustees of the York Region District School Board are responsible for overseeing a thriving and progressive educational system which serves over 125,000 students in more than 200 schools. Trustees are elected by ratepayers (in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act) and empowered under the Education Act to set policy for the operation of all public schools in York Region.

Meet Your Trustee

York Region District School Board has 13 trustees representing all areas of York Region. They are elected by English public school supporters for a four-year term.
Meet the Board of Trustees

Under the Education Act, trustees are mandated to;

  • promote student achievement and well-being

  • deliver effective and appropriate educational programs

  • develop, maintain and monitor effectiveness of Board policies

  • develop, communicate and review annually a Multi-Year Plan

  • monitor the performance of the Director of Education

  • practice responsible stewardship of Board resources

Elected for a four-year term, from December 1, 2018 to November 14, 2022, a trustee must be:

  • a resident in the area of jurisdiction of the board

  • a Canadian citizen

  • at least 18 years old

  • eligible to be an elector of that school board for which the person is a candidate (e.g. if seeking office for a French-language separate school board, you must be a French-language separate school elector)

  • not disqualified by any legislation from holding office

In accordance with the Education Act and Ontario Regulation 357/06, Honoraria for Board Members, the York Region District School Board set Trustee honoraria at $23,701.00 per annum and the Board Chair and Vice-Chair receive $33,701.00 and $28,701.00 per annum, respectively, effective December 1, 2018, notwithstanding any future legislative changes which may impact this decision.

The  Education ActTrustee Code of Conduct, York Region District School Board Operational By-Law and Governance policy and Board of Trustees Assessment procedure outline the roles and responsibilities of trustees and establishes a framework upon which the collective and individual effectiveness of the Board of Trustees and individual members may be evaluated​. Trustees, staff and members of the public may address concerns with regard to any trustee through the Board’s Integrity Commissioner.


Trustee Responsibilities

A trustee’s responsibilities fall into several different areas; communicator with the public, policy maker and an advocate for quality education. Trustees also have personnel, budget allocation and committee responsibilities. They are accountable to all public school ratepayers in York Region.

Communicators with the Public

Trustees are accountable to the community for decisions made by the Board. They communicate with the public through organized and informal meetings with parent groups and concerned citizens, and also through the distribution of newsletters and other materials. Trustees field numerous inquiries and are available and accessible to address concerns from the community with respect to Board policies and procedures.

Policy Makers

Trustees are responsible for approving, reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of the policies and by-laws which govern the Board’s operation. Policies are developed in conjunction with staff to address program, student, staff, property, Board and administration requirements. The Board is also active in many provincial educational associations, including the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, and lobbies the Ministry of Education and other government bodies for changes to existing policies and legislation.

Advocates for Quality Education

The Board ensures that the quality of education in York Region is maintained through the development, review and evaluation of curriculum standards and testing instruments. The focus is on meeting the educational goals and needs of all students in a changing global environment. Instructional materials are written in accordance with guidelines established by the Ministry of Education.

Budget Responsibilities

Trustees must allocate budget funds provided by the provincial government in accordance with Ministry of Education legislation, regulations and guidelines. The budget provides for payment of all expenses incurred for school purposes including staffing, textbooks, curriculum materials, school buildings, property and equipment.

Personnel Responsibilities

One of the Board’s primary roles is that of employer. Trustees maintain responsibility for establishing policies that support health and safety and employment standards in accordance with the current legislation. The Board approves collective agreements with federations and unions representing its various employee groups. Trustees are responsible for the hiring and terms of employment for the Director of Education.

Committee Responsibilities

Trustees spend a considerable amount of time serving on Board Committees. In addition to the regular monthly Board Meeting, trustees are required to serve on the Board Standing Committee, which meets once each month as well as the Budget Committee which is scheduled as needed between March and June each year.

There are numerous other ad hoc committees as well as statutory committees on which trustees are required to serve. Meetings may take place during the day or evening and usually involve Board and other resource staff. Committees develop recommendations for the Board’s consideration with respect to personnel, budget allocation, as well as program and planning for the delivery of public education. For current information regarding public Board and committee meeting dates and times please contact Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services , extension 2327 or 2262.

The Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC)​ in partnership with Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) offers resources about the role of today's school board trustees and information on B​ecoming a Trustee

To learn more about how public school trustees across Ontario inspire success, confidence and hope in each student, please watch the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association’s video Ontario Public School Trustees – Kids Come First.

The Role of Administration

Trustees entrust the day-to-day operational management of the Board to its staff through the Director of Education and her team of skilled, professional staff. The York Region District School Board is the largest employer in York Region and the third largest public school board in Ontario.

The Associate Directors of Education and the Superintendents of Education are responsible for supporting the achievement and well-being of students and day-to-day operations of all schools.

The review, implementation and coordination of curriculum is managed by the Associate Director of Education, Schools and Program and the Superintendent of Education, Curriculum and Instructional Services.  The Associate Director, along with the Superintendent of Education, Caring and Safe Schools and Continuing Education is also responsible for managing school and student safety, student discipline, international education, continuing education and adult education.  

The Associate Director of Education, Schools and Operations along with the Superintendent of Business, Human Resource Services and Chief Negotiator, the Superintendent of Education, School Operations,  Plant and Planning, and the Superintendent of Education, Leadership Development and Engagement, is responsible for managing the recruitment, development and training of employees as well as overseeing the Board’s physical structures.

Special Education programs are managed by the Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Student Services and Well-Being.

Indigenous education and ensuring the Board's continued commitment to equity, inclusivity, parent engagement and community partnerships is managed by the Coordinating Superintendent, Indigenous Education and Equity.

Effective management of the Board's financial and business affairs is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer.

For more information, please contact:

Manager, Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services