The Human Rights Office (HRO) is the Board's arms-length office for addressing matters specific to Ontario's Human Rights Code and the Board's Human Rights Policy #240.
Our Primary Goals
1. To act upon complaints confidentially, fairly and in a timely manner; and
2. To support the prevention of discrimination and harassment through human rights and accessibility education, learning and professional development.

Our Governing Principles

The HRO is shaped by five governing principles that guide our commitment to human rights in alignment with the Director's Action Plan (DAP 2.0).
The HRO complaints resolution process operates independently (or arms-length) from all other areas of the YRDSB. We address all human rights complaints with decision-making autonomy and without outside influence.
All communication with the HRO is considered private and confidential. The HRO is intended to be a safe, neutral and confidential space for all members of the Board community.
The HRO applies a human rights lens that values the dignity and worth of everyone. Our work is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that recognizes the inherent dignity and rights of all as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace.
The HRO addresses all complaints in an impartial manner. This means we objectively review all facts and information from a neutral position, and do not act as either advocates for individuals or as the Board's defense.
Accessibility is a process of identifying and removing barriers. The HRO complaints resolution process is intended to be barrier-free, open and accessible to all members of the Board community in a meaningful way.
Our Commitment to Human Rights
The HRO is committed to building learning and working environments that are free from discrimination and harassment. Our responsibilities to the YRDSB community include (but are not limited to):
Receiving and responding to human rights complaints, concerns and/or matters brought forward by a member of the Board community;
Overseeing the Board's compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA);
Supporting preventative actions through developing and delivering human rights and accessibility education, training and outreach;
Providing leadership on Board policies and procedures specific to human rights (Policy #240) and accessibility (Policy #407);
Managing the Barrier Buster electronic reporting tool that allows members of our Board community to formally communicate any barriers within the learning and/or working environments of YRDSB; and
Advising the Board's senior leadership team on its strategic goals and actions through a human rights and accessibility lens.