Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Math Problems

January 2022 - Math Problem

1 cm linking cubes are put together to form a rectangular prism that has dimensions 4 cm by 6 cm by 9 cm.  You position the prism so you can see three faces.  How many 1 cm linking cubes can you see?


You will be able to see 96 1 cm linking cubes.  What if the prism was 5 cm by 10 cm by 15 cm?

Math Problems

December 2021 - Math Problem

You have a set of 9 cards that are numbered from 1 to 9.  Can you place the cards in 3 piles so that the sum of the numbers on the cards in each pile is the same?


Yes.  You can have 3 piles of 15: 1, 5, 9 and 2, 6, 7 and 3, 4, 8.

Are there other ways to get 3 piles of 15?


Math Problems

November 2021 - Math Problem

A bag contains 10 blue blocks, 10 green blocks and 10 red blocks.  What is the minimum number of blocks you have to remove from the bag to ensure that you get 4 blocks of the same colour?


You would have to remove 10 blocks to ensure that you get 4 blocks of the same colour.  

What if each bag started with 20 blocks of each colour?

Math Problems

October 2021 - Math Problem

Can you find 4 consecutive numbers that add to 30?  How about 50 or 90?





Can 100 be written as the sum of 4 consecutive numbers?  Is there a quick way to determine if a number can be written as the sum of 4 consecutive numbers?

Math Problems

September 2021 - Math Problem

A set of stairs has 24 steps numbered 1 to 24 going up.  A rabbit can only hop 3 or 5 steps forward or backward.  Starting at the bottom (step 0), is there a step that can not be reached?


No, all steps can be reached.  Is it possible to get to the 24th step and touch every step exactly once?

Math Problems

June 2021 - Math Problem

What is the smallest number that is divisible by the numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 10?


2520.  What about the smallest number divisible by the numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 20?

Math Problems

May 2021 - Math Problem

How many seconds does it take the minute hand of a clock to turn 1 degree?


It takes 10 seconds to turn 1 degree.  How many degrees does the hour hand of a clock turn in an hour?

Math Problems

April 2021 - Math Problem


A crate has double the dimensions (length, width and height) of a box.

How many boxes would fit into the crate?


You can fit 8 boxes into the crate.  What if the crate had triple the dimensions of the box?

Math Problems

March 2021 - Math Problem


If someone lived a million hours, how many years would that person live?


Assuming 365.25 days per year, the person would live to be about 114 years old!  How old are you when you have lived a billion seconds?

Math Problems

February 2021 - Math Problem

The following expression has 6 eights to result in a total of 20:

88/8 + 8/8 +8 =20

Can you write an expression with 6 sixes that results in a total of 20?


One possibility is (6+6)/6  + 6 + 6 + 6 =20.

How about if you had 6 twos? 

Math Problems