Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Professional Activity (PA) Day - February 2, 2024 (January 29 at Bill Crothers S.S.)

Elementary PD Day

Length: Full Day

Length: Half Day - AM

Topic:  Violence Prevention Training on Student Safety and Violent Incident Prevention 

Entity Hosting:  All Elementary Schools

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Online module developed by Board staff, facilitated by Administration.

Description: Staff will be engaging in learning related to:

  • developing relationships and identity-affirming working and learning environments;
  • identifying warning signs that a person’s behaviour may be escalating;
  • responding to escalations using specific strategies;
  • exploring case studies;
  • following reporting procedures; and
  • accessing support and resources.


Length: Half Day - PM

Topic: Literacy/Mathematics Instructional Strategies

Entity Hosting: All Elementary Schools

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Teacher/DECE

Description: Staff will engage in self-directed learning to support instructional strategies including areas of literacy and mathematics. 



Secondary PD Day

Length: Half Day - AM

Topic:  Violence Prevention Training on Student Safety and Violent Incident Prevention 

Entity Hosting:  All Secondary Schools

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Online module developed by Board staff, facilitated by Administration.

Description: Staff will be engaging in learning related to:

  • developing relationships and identity-affirming working and learning environments;
  • identifying warning signs that a person’s behaviour may be escalating;
  • responding to escalations using specific strategies;
  • exploring case studies;
  • following reporting procedures; and
  • accessing support and resources.

Topic: School teams will engage in School Improvement planning facilitated by school leaders. Topics will vary by subject and may include:

  • preparation for Semester 2
  • high yield instructional strategies in the de-streamed math, science, or English classroom
  • data analysis for school improvement.


Length: Half Day - PM

Topic: Curriculum Implementation

Entity Hosting: All Secondary Schools

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): School Administration and Board based personnel

Description: Equitable assessment practices and MLL learning


SIP/Department Meetings

Details: School teams will engage in School Improvement planning facilitated by school leaders. Topics will vary by subject and may include:

  • embedding strategies to support teaching multilingual language learners into the curriculum
  • embedding subject specific high yield strategies into instruction and assessment 
  • data analysis for school improvement.


School Teams will continue to engage in School Improvement Planning that supports the implementation of equitable assessment practices, curriculum changes and instructional strategies to support students in the de-streamed classroom.

News Release