Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert


YRDSB’s de-streaming goal is the elimination of identity-based disproportionalities in achievement, well-being, graduation, and post-secondary outcomes.

  • Streaming means creating long-term student groups based on perceptions of ability or separating students into different course types such as Academic, Applied and Locally Developed.
  • Ontario was the only province that had streaming for English, Science, Geography, Math and French in Grade 9. The course types for these streamed Grade 9 courses were Academic, Applied, and Locally Developed.

  • Students who are Indigenous, Black, from households currently experiencing low socio-economic circumstances, and students who have special education needs have been more likely to be placed in streams with lower expectations and less access to post-secondary options.
  • The goal is to avoid having students making course selections in early secondary school that have such life-long implications.  Workplace, College, Mixed and University courses are still available for students in Grades 11 and 12.

  • Research shows that de-streaming results in better outcomes for all students and particularly for those who are from marginalized communities.  
  • Students and families have indicated that they consider pathway selection in Grade 8 to be too early. By de-streaming, students and their families have additional time to understand pathways and to keep options open when choosing Grade 11 and 12 Workplace, College or University courses or combinations that lead to Apprenticeship programs.

  • Grade 8 Teachers, Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs), and Guidance Counsellors are all available to assist with course selection.  
  • Secondary schools also have information evenings to assist Grade 8 students and their families with transition planning.
  • Summer school programming focusing on numeracy or literacy fundamentals is available to students in Grades 7 and 8 to help them prepare for high school.

  • Grade 9 and 10 Teachers, Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs), and Guidance Counsellors are all available to support students. 

During the semester, students may also access:

  • Student Success Team:  Each school has a student success team that reviews student achievement data to ensure appropriate supports are in place to support credit attainment
  • Destreaming Support Teachers are assigned to classes supported by student data to ensure the greatest impact
  • After-School Literacy and Mathematics programs are available to support students requiring literacy and/or numeracy remediation. Contact your school for registration information. 
  • Students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) have a SERT assigned to them to monitor their progress. SERTs will support students on a schedule and/or as needed.

  • Province wide, Applied courses are no longer being offered in Grade 9.  
  • Grade 9 English, French and Geography are offered as Academic courses.  Applied courses in these subjects are not being offered.  
  • Grade 9 Math and Science are being offered as De-Streamed courses.  Academic and Applied courses in these subjects are not being offered.  
  • In September 2023, Grade 9 English will be offered as a De-Streamed Course.  Academic and Applied English courses will not be offered.  
  • In York Region, Grade 10 History and Grade 10 Math are being offered as Academic courses.  Applied courses in these subjects are not being offered.  
  • Locally Developed courses may still be offered at some schools.

  • Locally Developed courses support students who have not yet demonstrated achievement of the majority of curriculum expectations in Grade 7 and 8. 
  • Locally Developed courses may be offered at the Grade 9 and Grade 10 level in the areas of English, Math, Science and/or History.
  • Locally Developed courses accommodate educational and/or career preparation needs that are not met through other courses.
  • Programs at college and university, as well as some apprenticeship programs, may not accept courses in this pathway for admission. 



         Current Offerings


          Continued Offerings


Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (ENG1L)
  • Academic (ENG1D)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (ENG2L)
  • Applied (ENG2P)
  • Academic (ENG2D)

Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (ENG1L)
  • De-Streamed (ENL1W)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (ENG2L)
  • Applied (ENG2P)
  • Academic (ENG2D)

Grade 9

  • Open (FSF1O)
  • Academic (FSF1D)

Grade 10

  • Open (FSF2O)
  • Applied (FSF2P)
  • Academic (FSF2D

Grade 9

  • Open (FSF1O)
  • Academic (FSF1D)

Grade 10

  • Open (FSF2O)
  • Applied (FSF2P)
  • Academic (FSF2D)

Grade 9

  • Academic (CGC1D)

Grade 9

  • Academic (CGC1D)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (CHC2L)
  • Academic (CHC2D)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (CHC2L)
  • Academic (CHC2D)

Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (MAT1L)
  • De-Streamed (MTH1W)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (MAT2L)
  • Academic (MPM2D)

Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (MAT1L)
  • De-Streamed (MTH1W)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (MAT2L)
  • Academic (MPM2D)

Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (SNC1L)
  • De-Streamed (SNC1W)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (SNC2L)
  • Applied (SNC2P)
  • Academic (SNC2D)

Grade 9

  • Locally Developed (SNC1L)
  • De-Streamed (SNC1W)

Grade 10

  • Locally Developed (SNC2L)
  • Applied (SNC2P)
  • Academic (SNC2D)


