All assessment, evaluation and reporting in Ontario schools is based on the policies and practices described in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting In Ontario Schools, First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12.
Report Cards
Elementary school students will receive a progress report card in November and a provincial report card in February and June. Learn more in the elementary school report cards brochure.
Secondary school students will receive two provincial report cards each semester. An interim report is also issued after the first six weeks of instruction. Learn more in the secondary school report cards brochure.
Report card templates are also available. For further information, please speak with your child's teacher.
Final Evaluations/Examinations
All secondary students must participate in the final summative assessment(s). These assessments make up the final evaluation representing 30 percent of your report card grade. You are expected to complete all final summative assessments at the place, date and time indicated by the teacher and by the examination schedule provided by the school. Students cannot leave early for vacations, employment or other activities such as summer camps during the examination schedule.
In the case of extenuating circumstances (e.g. bereavement, court appearance or when you are unable to write an exam because of illness explicitly stated on a medical certificate), the principal will decide, in consultation with the subject teacher, the most appropriate method to determine your final standing in the course. This may include an opportunity to participate in the portion missed. Documentation supporting an absence must be presented in all cases.
In the case of an unexcused absence, a zero may be assigned for the missed portion of the final evaluation assessment and used in determining the final percentage mark on the report card.
For more information, see the Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement Policy and related procedures.