Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

HRO Resources

The Human Rights Office (HRO) supports YRSDB staff, students and other community members in understanding their rights and responsibilities when dealing with human rights issues in our schools and Board offices.


Ontario's Human Rights Code

The Human Rights Code is law in Ontario and gives everyone equal rights and opportunities in certain areas of society. We refer to Ontario’s Human Rights Code as “the Code”.

The Code is meant to provide protection from discrimination and harassment in five areas of our lives (known as "social areas"), and based on the 17 protected grounds (known as Code grounds).

The five social areas protected under the Code include:

  1. Services, goods and facilities - including schools, hospitals, shops, restaurants, sports and recreation organizations, and facilities

  2. Housing - the place where we live, regardless if we rent or own the property

  3. Contracts - includes both written and oral agreements

  4. Employment - including job postings, application forms, interviews, work assignments and environment, training, promotions, discipline, terminations, volunteer duties, etc.

  5. Membership in vocational associations and trade unions – including ETFO, OSSTF, CUPE 1734, CUPE 1194, etc.

Visit the Ontario's Human Rights Code to learn more about each Code ground.

Ontario's Human Rights Code 17 Grounds of Discrimination 17 Code Grounds of discrimination

Human Rights Policy #240

Policy and Procedure #240.0, Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination (Human Rights Policy #240) is aligned with the Code to support working and learning environments that are free of discrimination and harassment through a human rights complaints resolution process.

HRO Annual Reports

The Annual Report describes the important and ongoing work of the HRO in addressing human rights complaints in compliance with Code and Human Rights Policy #240, as well as leading and supporting the YRDSB system through education, learning and professional development.

HRO Education and Learning

In addition to an impartial complaints resolution process, the HRO develops and delivers human rights and accessibility education, learning and professional development for Board staff, students and/or Trustees.

More information about professional learning and training offered by the HRO for YRDSB staff is available on the BWW.