

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert


Quick Links


Health and Safety

The Ministry of Education has provided direction on supporting a return to a more normalized learning experience for students while maintaining specific protective measures.

  • Students, staff members and school visitors are not required to wear masks in school. Individuals who feel more comfortable or who are advised to wear a mask can continue to wear a mask and will be supported in doing so.

  • Students, staff members and visitors should continue to review and adhere to the COVID-19 School and Child-Care Screening Tool (please click on Health and Safety and then Check for Symptoms Daily), prior to entering the school daily. 

  • Hand hygiene and normal cleaning and disinfection protocols will continue. In addition, we will continue to follow our current ventilation practices. 

For additional details on health and safety measures, please see the information below.

For more information about how to use a face mask properly, visit www.york.ca/safeatschool.

As outlined by the Ministry of Education, students, staff members and school visitors are not  required to wear masks in school. Individuals who feel more comfortable or who are advised to wear a mask can continue to wear a mask and will be supported in doing so.

As some students and staff may choose to continue to wear masks or eye protection, the school will continue to provide masks when needed.


On a daily basis, parents/guardians of students under 18 and students over 18, staff members and visitors should review and adhere to the COVID-19 School and Child-Care Screening Tool (please click on Health and Safety Measures and then Check for Symptoms Daily), before entering the school daily.

All staff and students who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 as identified in the screening tool (not related to a COVID-19 vaccine), must not attend school or work and follow the guidance in the COVID-19 School and Child-Care Screening Tool. This may include seeking appropriate medical attention as required,and/or getting tested for COVID-19.

For more information on correct handwashing procedures and how to use hand sanitizer, please visit www.york.ca/safeatschool. 

Appropriate hand hygiene will continue to be promoted throughout the day.

It is recommended that students not bring their own hand sanitizer to school for issues of quality, fragrance and management of potential hazards. No alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be brought in or used in schools or Board facilities including personal-size products.

Cleaning and disinfection of high touch surfaces will be done once daily as per Public Health guidelines.

Cleaning and disinfection of shared items will continue to be done in accordance with board protocols and Public Health guidelines.

For hot, humid weather relief in classrooms or portables, Board-approved fans may be used to provide air movement in the room. The use of fans must support strategies for minimizing the risk of infection transmission (COVID-19 and other organisms): 

  • Only Board-approved fans may be used and must provide access to the blades for cleaning/disinfecting.
  • Fans should be kept on low setting.
  • Fans should always be placed on a clean surface.  Fans should never be placed at floor level.
  • Airflow should never be pointed or passed through any individual and must always be aimed upwards, toward the ceiling or wall, and not at face level.

Mental Health and Well-Being

COVID-19 presented unprecedented issues and concerns for our community, our country and the world. Resources and supports are available. 


Student Transportation

Many of our schools have active school travel plans in place and previously worked to encourage active school travel through a number of initiatives including Walking Wednesdays, Bike to School week etc. If you need some ideas to help boost active school travel modes at your school please visit the student transportation active school travel programs website. 

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional details on Student Transportation, please see the information below.

Student Transportation Services of York Region (STSYR) is planning transportation services for eligible students attending in-person learning. 

STSYR will collaborate with YCDSB, YRDSB, York Region Public Health, School Vehicle Vendors and the Ministry of Education to mitigate health risks associated with COVID-19.

For information regarding COVID-19 transportation protocols, please visit: http://net.schoolbuscity.com/covid-19

For information regarding transportation policies for the YCDSB and YRDSB, please visit: http://net.schoolbuscity.com/eligible

All high touch areas of school vehicles will be cleaned by the driver throughout the day. In addition, all vehicles will receive regular deep cleaning.

Yes. If your child is eligible for transportation service, you may opt out of service by notifying your school.

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