In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Policy/Program Memorandum No. 158, the York Region District School Board has developed Policy and Procedure 662.6 Concussion Management. The following resources and information support school board policies and procedures related to the awareness, prevention and management of concussions for students.
If your child has a suspected concussion:
Arrange to pick up your child (if the concussion takes place at school or a school-related event).
Obtain and complete the Student Tracking for Concussion Management Form provided by the school. All forms must be filled out in hard copy and submitted to the student's school.
Ensure your child is examined by a physician or nurse practitioner as soon as possible.

Concussion Awareness Resource
Every school year prior to participation in board-sponsored interschool sports, students and their parents/ guardians (for students under 18 years of age), coaches, team trainers, and officials must confirm that an approved Concussion Awareness Resource and a Concussion Code of Conduct was reviewed. An approved Concussion Awareness Resource is one made available on the Ontario government’s website. These e-booklets are linked below by age and language for your convenience.
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 10 and Under)
- English (PDF)
- عربي (Arabic PDF)
- 中文 (简体) (Chinese simplified PDF)
- 中文 (繁體) (Chinese traditional PDF)
- فارسی (Farsi PDF)
- Français (French PDF)
- हिन्दी (Hindi PDF)
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi PDF)
- Español (Spanish PDF)
- Tagalog (Tagalog PDF)
- اردو (Urdu PDF)
- 한국어 (Korean PDF)
- Polski (Polish PDF)
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese PDF)
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 11-14)
- English (PDF)
- عربي (Arabic PDF)
- 中文 (简体) (Chinese simplified PDF)
- 中文 (繁體) (Chinese traditional PDF)
- فارسی (Farsi PDF)
- Français (French PDF)
- हिन्दी (Hindi PDF)
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi PDF)
- Español (Spanish PDF)
- Tagalog (Tagalog PDF)
- اردو (Urdu PDF)
- 한국어 (Korean PDF)
- Polski (Polish PDF)
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese PDF)
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 15 to Adult)
- English (PDF)
- عربي (Arabic PDF)
- 中文 (简体) (Chinese simplified PDF)
- 中文 (繁體) (Chinese traditional PDF)
- فارسی (Farsi PDF)
- Français (French PDF)
- हिन्दी (Hindi PDF)
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi PDF)
- Español (Spanish PDF)
- Tagalog (Tagalog PDF)
- اردو (Urdu PDF)
- 한국어 (Korean PDF)
- Polski (Polish PDF)
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese PDF)
Concussion Code of Conduct
The following is a list of YRDSB Concussion Codes of Conduct:
- Sample Concussion Code of Conduct for Interschool Sports (Students) - YRDSB Version Coming Soon
- Sample Concussion Code of Conduct for Interschool Sports (Parent/Guardian) - YRDSB Version Coming Soon
- Sample Concussion Code of Conduct for Interschool Sports (Coach/Team Trainer) - YRDSB Version Coming Soon
In YRDSB, we are committed to ensuring that students experiencing possible concussion related injuries receive appropriate guidance and attention. The following information supports students and their parents/ guardians currently managing a concussion-related injury.
If your child has a suspected concussion:
- Arrange to pick up your child (if the concussion takes place at school or a school-related event).
- Obtain and complete the Student Tracking for Concussion Management Form provided by the school. All forms must be filled out in hard copy and submitted to the student's school.
- Ensure your child is examined by a physician or nurse practitioner as soon as possible.
Additional Resources
- Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 10 and Under) (also available in other languages, see above)
- Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 11-14) (also available in other languages, see above)
- Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet (Ages 15 to Adult) (also available in other languages, see above)
- York Region District School Board Policy and Procedure #662.0
- York Region Public Health
- Ontario Government
We are committed to ensuring that students experiencing possible concussion-related injuries receive appropriate guidance and attention. This page contains resources for parents and students currently managing a concussion-related injury.