In 2007, the Ministry of Education implemented a ‘hard cap’ in the Primary Class Size (PCS) strategy and expanded Regulation 132/12 Class Size in 2018 with a mandate to reduce Junior/Intermediate average class size over the next four years (2018-2021)
For the 2022-2023 school year, staff continued to ensure that:
The board-wide average size of Kindergarten classes did not exceed 26;
Primary classes were organized to the greatest degree possible to meet a ratio of 20:1 in order to maximize funding with 90% of K-3 classes at 20 or few students;
No primary classes, including Grade 3 (primary)/Grade 4 (junior) combined classes, were above 23;
Junior/Intermediate classes were organized to meet a board-wide average of 24.5; and
All classes were organized within collective agreement guidelines.
A successful class size compliance report was filed with the Ministry of Education stating the following:
Board-wide average of kindergarten classes at 25.62;
90.2% of primary classes at 20 students or less;
100% of primary classes at 23 or less; and,
A Junior/Intermediate class size average of 24.5 to 1.

Updated November 2022