School Climate Survey for Students - Key Findings 2017
From March to May 2017, all students in Grades 5 to 12 were invited to participate in the YRDSB School Climate Survey for Students. Results from this survey will be used to inform Board and school improvement planning to support student achievement and well-being, and create more equitable and inclusive school environments.

Survey Results
- Overall Survey Response Rate and Student Self-Identified Racial/Ethnic Background (view accessible version)
- Equity and Inclusive Education (view accessible version)
- Caring and Safe Schools (view accessible version)
- Mathematics (view accessible version)
- Modern Learning (view accessible version)
- Mental Health and Well-Being (view accessible version)
Disaggregate Survey Results
- Student Survey - Disaggregate Infographics (All) (view accessible version)
- Equity and Inclusive Education - Disaggregate Infographic (view accessible version)
- Caring and Safe Schools - Disaggregate Infographic (view accessible version)
- Mathematics - Disaggregate Infographic (view accessible version)
- Modern Learning - Disaggregate Infographic (view accessible version)
- Mental Health and Well-Being - Disaggregate Infographic (view accessible version)
School Climate Survey for Parents/Guardians - Key Findings 2017
From May 1 - 31, 2017, all parents/guardians of students in Grades K to 12 were invited to participate in the York Region District School Board School Climate Survey for Parents/Guardians. Results from this survey will be used to inform Board and school improvement planning to support student achievement and well-being, and create more equitable and inclusive school environments.

Survey Results
Overall survey response rate and key findings (view accessible version)