Ventilation in Schools - Adult Learning Locations

YRDSB is optimizing air quality in schools through improved ventilation and filtration. This is a key element in the protective strategies being employed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and support healthier and safe learning environments. 

See below for information on ventilation in adult learning buildings, or use the links below to find your school:

Ventilation System Mechanical Ventilation 
Ventilation assessed Yes
Running ventilation systems longer Yes
Higher grade filters installed (MERV13) Yes
Increased frequency of filter changes No
Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems) Yes
Standalone HEPA** filter units deployed in portables, as needed N/A
Standalone HEPA filter units in place 1


*Some measures may not be feasible within the context of a school facility/site and related building systems.

**High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)

Ventilation System Mechanical Ventilation 
Ventilation assessed Yes
Running ventilation systems longer Yes
Higher grade filters installed (MERV13) Yes
Increased frequency of filter changes No
Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems) Yes
Standalone HEPA** filter units deployed in portables, as needed N/A
Standalone HEPA filter units in place 9


*Some measures may not be feasible within the context of a school facility/site and related building systems.

**High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)