My Red Jacket

Three pictures of Elizabeth in her red jacket

Every student who travelled with EF Tours on a Vimy 100 Tour received a red jacket that looked like this. Thousands of these jackets appeared in Europe throughout April, 2017. This red jacket hasn't only had an impact in Europe. It's amazing what kind of stories people in Canada have come up to tell me everyday I wear this jacket and how the war affected their family.

The grandfather of a student who travelled in my tour group was Hitler's official photographer. He told me his family has all the original photographs his grandfather took, including a photo of Hitler standing in front of The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.

I was recently approached during a film competition by a man who was Sir Arthur Currie's Great Grandson. Sir Arthur Currie was a senior officer of the Canadian Army in World War I and led the Vimy Ridge battle.

Christina Blake, Education Programmer at the YRDSB Museum and Archives, has a personal collection of war documents including the flight log book, letters and photographs from her grandfather who was a Sergeant and Air Gunner in the RCAF during World War Two. 

"No matter where I go, someone is able to connect to the war which signifies how the World Wars are important to discuss in Canadian History."​ 

Historical Photos
Snapshot Photos