Tutors in the School Training

Required Training

These materials are intended for all tutors in the school. This is a series of comprehensive training webcasts important for your role as an emergency instructor. 

  1. Accessibility and Human Rights 101

  2. Accessibility Standards for Customer Service

  3. Cyber Security and Protection of Privacy

  4. Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management

  5. Health & Safety - Key Messages 2023

  6. Health & Safety Awareness

  7. Professionalism Introduction/Key Messages

  8. Reporting Children and Youth in Need of Protection

  9. Risk Reframed - Keeping Students Safe and Developing a Culture of Safety

  10. Student Suicide Intervention Protocol

  11. Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions

  12. Threat Assessment

  13. Violence & Harassment - Health & Safety


  15. WHMIS YRDSB 2022

Access this training from the Tutors in the School Catalogue on Connect2Learn. You will be required to register for these courses by creating an account if you do not already have one. Please read important steps on how to register and create an account (PDF).



Accessing Achievement Record and Training Transcript

Quick Tip - Turn Off Pop-up Blockers (PDF)

Online Course Troubleshooting Tips