Every secondary school in the York Region District School Board has a Student Success Teacher who serves as a student advocate and mentor to ensure the success of all students, and supports students as they transition from elementary to secondary school.

How do Student Success Teachers provide support?
I meet with new students and introduce myself as the Student Success Teacher. I let them know what that means. I’m here to help them… to support them in any way I can. If they have questions or concerns about courses, if they’re feeling uncomfortable with something- they can chat with me. If I can’t help them, I’ll find someone who can. If they need academic support-- I run the study hall two or three times a week during lunch hour. At exam time, study hall is open even more often! We have peer tutors to support students as well. They can bring their lunch… we have computers …
Student Success is very positive. It’s about supporting kids… working closely with classroom teachers.
I set up a success plan with students… They set their own goals for success. It might be asking a question in class when they don’t understand the work or making a commitment to attend study hall once a week.
Students verbalize their goals for success and I work with them to keep them on track to realize their goals.”
YRDSB Student Success Teacher
Working as a member of the Student Success School Team, the Student Success Teacher:
- supports students through key transition points from elementary to secondary school, grade 10 to senior level courses, and from secondary school to post-secondary destinations including college, the workplace, university and apprenticeships;
- works in partnership with classroom teachers to support students who are experiencing academic and social/ emotional challenges; and
- keeps students on track for graduation through educational pathway and career planning, goal setting and ongoing monitoring of student marks, assignments, due dates, attendance and attitudes.
Learn more about Student Success programs and More Ways to Succeed in High School