Empower people with an intellectual disability to live, learn, work and participate in their community.
What types of services/support do we offer?
- Residential
- Day Supports
- Marketplace
- Learning Academy
- Respite Services
- Community Support Program
- ACT 4 Youth Initiative (Achieving Community Transitions)
- Outcome Employment Program
- netWORKS Program
Who is eligible for our services/support?
- People of all ages who have an intellectual disability who live within the southern York Region including Whitchurch-Stouffville, Vaughan, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and Markham.
How can you contact us?
Executive Director - Don Wilkinson
101 Edward Ave.
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 5E5
(905) 884-9110 ext. 224
Fax: (905) 737-3284
Visit the Community Living York South website for more information.
Director of Community Development - Ritu Singarayer
(905) 884-9110 ext. 523
Email: rsingarayer@communitylivingyorksouth.ca
SEAC Representative - Rahila Chughtai(647) 504-6370
Email: rahilac@gmail.com