To support the health and well-being of all students, recess plays an important role in their health and social-emotional development. All students are expected to go out for recess and lunch hour to support their well-being, weather permitting. If a student is well enough to attend school, then they will benefit from short periods of outdoor exercise. Schools do not have supervised health room facilities. Recess, entry, dismissal times, and lunch time are supervised.

Weather Conditions
Students should dress comfortably and appropriately according to weather conditions. The principal decides at the time of each recess whether students will remain inside, or go out for a shortened or full recess by keeping a close eye on weather conditions, including temperature, wind chill, sun/cloud conditions and wind velocity. Please send your child to school dressed and ready for outdoor play. Students will be supervised in their classroom during recess and lunch whenever an indoor recess is necessary.
Recess Playground Expectations
Each school’s code of conduct outlines acceptable behaviour for students. During playground time, the code of conduct applies and includes the following:
Harmful behaviour toward others is not acceptable (e.g. play fighting, piggybacks, pushing, rock/stone/sand/snowball throwing, etc.).
Show respect for students, staff members, visitors and volunteers.
Swearing is not permitted.
Spitting is not acceptable.
All students are responsible for keeping school property clean and tidy.
Students must only play in designated areas.
Only kindergarten students are allowed in the kindergarten play area.
Tag games and ball games are prohibited on playground climbers.