

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Frequently Asked Questions

See answers to frequently asked questions below.


General Information

Yes, YRDSB is hiring! 

There is no fee to apply to job postings with the YRDSB.

Please click on the links to learn more about how to apply, the selection process, and the hiring process and practices.

  1. Visit the YRDSB Careers website or Apply to Education website to view and access job postings.

  2. Visit Apply to Education Simplication website to view, access, and apply to job postings.

  • You must apply through the Apply to Education Simplication website.

  • If you do not have an Apply to Education Simplication account, you must create an account prior to applying to the job postings with YRDSB.

  • Complete your Portfolio (e.g. resume, professional supervisory references, etc.).

  • Search, view, and apply to a job posting.

  • Applications must be completed online and are available on the YRDSB website and through the Apply to Education simplification site. The YRDSB does not accept paper applications, fax transmissions or e-mailed applications. Applications e-mailed, faxed or given directly to Hiring Managers will not be accepted nor acknowledged.

You receive 3 Confirmations when you successfully apply to a job posting:

  1. A pop up advising you of your successful application submission.
  2. An email confirmation with the details of the posting.
  3. The posting appears in Jobs Applied To page under the Job Postings section.

Your application will remain active throughout the hiring season. Only those candidates who are selected to move forward in the process will be contacted via e-mail. Please check your junk mail or spam folder so that you do not miss important messages.

  • All applications will be screened based on the required education, experience and qualifications as noted in the posting and/or job description as reflected in the application. 

  • Only those candidates meeting these criteria will be eligible to participate in the selection process and only qualified candidates will be contacted. 

  • You may also find YRDSB Interview Quick Tips sheet helpful. If you are invited to attend an interview, you will receive an email from no-reply-event@applytoeducation.com.

The Recruitment Team will contact all candidates via email with the results of the selection process, whether successful or unsuccessful through the process. Please expect notification to take a few weeks, (maybe longer especially if the number of candidates we interviewed was large).

Candidates are encouraged to set up Job Alerts through your Apply to Education Simplication account to receive emails about job postings.

  1. From the Job Postings menu click Search jobs.

  2. On the right-hand margin in the Job Alerts section give our search a name and select the option to Create Alert.

  3. Once the job alert is created, an email will be sent to you to validate the alert. To update or review your job alerts go to the Manage Job Alerts page of the Job Postings menu.

Please contact Apply to Education at 1-877-900-5627 or by email at  info@applytoeducation.com.  They are available Monday to Friday 7:30 am - 7:00 pm EST.

Support Positions

  • An EA supports students with exceptionalities such as physical disabilities, developmental delays, autism, behaviour disorders, acquired brain injuries, hearing and vision loss. These services can be provided in a wide variety of educational settings such as standard classrooms, specialized facilities and work placements.

  • We require employees who are flexible, willing to take on a multitude of challenges and who are prepared to attend to the physical needs of students, which include toileting, lifting, feeding and physical intervention.

  • Intervention Support Worker (ISW)

    • Secondary School Graduation Diploma with two (2) years of post-secondary education in a related discipline is required. Minimum two years of related experience with a range of experience with complex social-emotional, mental health and/or behavioural concerns is required for ISW.

  • Developmental Support Worker (DSW)

    • Secondary School Graduation Diploma with two (2) years of post-secondary education in a related discipline is required. Minimum one year of related experience is required for DSW.

  • Special Education Assistant (SEA)

    • Secondary School Graduation Diploma is required. Minimum six months related experience is required for SEA.

Visit our website for more information on the Education Overview for Developmental Support Worker (DSW) & Intervention Support Worker (ISW).

Some of the specialty positions are listed below. Visit Apply to Education website to view and apply.

  • Braillist 
  • Sign Language Interpreter 
  • Casual Access Notetaker 
  • Assistant for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  • Intervenor for Students with Deafblindness 
  • Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA) 
  • Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist (Temporary/Term Opportunities)
  • Psychologist/Psychological Associate 
  • School Social Worker (Temporary/Term Opportunities)
  • Speech-Language Pathologist

A DECE is responsible for collaborating with the Kindergarten teacher and other staff to implement The Kindergarten Program under the supervision of the Principal and in compliance with Board policies, procedures and Ministry of Education direction. 

Yes, it is mandatory to include your Registration Number with the College of Early Childhood Educators on your application and to be in good standing. If you are not registered, your application will not move forward.

A Clerical/Administrative Support employee is responsible for providing administrative support to assigned work locations in compliance with Board policies and procedures. The list of major responsibilities may be adapted to suit the needs of each work location.

Secondary School Graduation Diploma with one year of post-secondary education focusing on administrative studies or related field is required. 

  • As a condition of employment, you are required to complete online pre-employment training courses which are mandatory for all new employees (casual, temporary/term and permanent).

  • You will be sent an email through the Apply to Education portal inviting you to a pre-employment training. You will first need to complete modules relating to your employee group, and once successfully completed, you will then be able to register for a mandatory one day pre-employment training, which you must attend.

A Caretaker is responsible for cleaning and maintaining secure, safe and healthy facilities for students, staff, and the public.

​Completion of O.S.S.D. or equivalent.  Applicants lacking the formal educational requirements but with related or relevant experience will be considered.

  • We are currently seeking candidates for Caretaking Term Positions. This is a rotating shift position that is full time hours (40 hours per week) and has a defined contract end date (in excess of 30 working days).

  • Permanent opportunities may arise throughout the term, which you will be able to apply for. Please note that performance appraisals are conducted and reviewed for placement into a permanent position.

Visit Apply to Education website to see current opportunities. 

Teaching Positions

General Questions

Yes, please include your OCT number in your application. Candidates must be members in Good Standing with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) prior to the start date.

Examples of referees could include the following:

  • Principal/Vice-Principal that has supervised you and can speak to your teaching practice in the panel to which you are applying;
  • Faculty Advisor/Coordinator or Practicum Advisor that has observed and evaluated your teaching practice in a classroom setting;
  • Host/Mentor Teacher that has supervised you and can speak to your teaching practice in an elementary/secondary setting; and/or
  • Professional reference who can speak to your teaching practice.

Yes, but we would need a teaching reference as well.

Information pertaining to PPM and the YRDSB Hiring Protocol is available on these sites - Ministry Policy/Program Memorandum 165 and YRDSB Teacher Hiring Protocol

New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)

  • For brand new contract teachers in the YRDSB, and for new Long Term Occasional Teachers who have secured a contract of 80 or more days.
  • Dedicated team of Curriculum Consultants (experienced teachers) in the Curriculum Department to support all brand new teachers (K-12).
  • Professional learning is offered throughout the school year.
    • NTIP Board Orientation (face to face or online) to support getting started in the NTIP program
    • Opportunity to build confidence and efficacy through a mentorship program
    • Face to face, daytime learning (during non-pandemic times) on many topics related to Planning, Assessment, Instruction, Classroom Management, and many content areas
    • Afterschool, online webinars both during Covid-19 and during regular times
    • Online drop-in’s with the NTIP curriculum team to answer questions related to the NTIP program, performance appraisals, report card writing, planning, instruction, etc.
    • Resource sharing to support planning and instruction 
  • Regular emails with updates around professional learning opportunities, information about the NTIP program or other timely information relevant to NTIP teachers.
  • Free summer conference in August (called Great Beginnings) for new permanent contract teachers to help set up for a “Great Beginning”.

Occasional Teaching and Long Term Occasional Teaching

An Occasional Teacher is a teacher covering daily supply teaching assignments.

Subject to the availability of assignments, an Occasional Teacher must work a minimum of thirty (30) FTE instructional days per school year to remain on the OT Roster the following year.

Occasional Teachers must have been actively employed by the Board in the secondary panel for a minimum of 20 full-time equivalent days during the previous school year to retain their position on the Secondary Occasional Teacher Roster. 

A Long Term Occasional Teacher is a teacher who is required to teach for a period of ten (10) or more consecutive teaching/instructional days as a replacement for one teacher employed under a permanent or probationary contract.

If you are successful through the hiring process, you must be available to work immediately in order to be placed onto the Elementary or Secondary Occasional Teacher Roster.

If you are not currently a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), your application may still be considered although you would not be eligible to be added to the Occasional Teacher Roster until membership is confirmed.

  • TCQ (Temporary Certificate of Qualifications) Candidates are encouraged to apply, and may be placed on the OT Roster, should space be available. 

  • TCQ Candidates need to be available to work (not currently completing their Teacher College Program) and meet the minimum qualifications of the position with the condition they will be obtaining their full OCT prior to TCQ expiry. 

  • TCQ Candidates, who have not yet completed their Education program, are encouraged to connect with their Faculty of Education to verify their eligibility for LTO and OT positions.

The current needs are Primary/Junior/Intermediate. To be considered for Elementary Occasional Teaching, you must have qualifications in Primary, Junior, and/or Intermediate.

The current needs are Business, Special Education, Technology, French, Visual Arts and Geography.

  • Yes, to be considered for Occasional teaching opportunities, you must submit separate applications for each panel.  If you are successful for each panel, you will need to select one to be on as you cannot be an Occasional teacher in both panels.

  • If you are applying to both Elementary and Secondary Occasional Teaching at YRDSB, you will only be eligible to be on one (1) of the two (2) Occasional Teaching Rosters.  Therefore, it is important that you prioritize which list you prefer (Elementary or Secondary) as once you accept a position on the Occasional Teacher Roster, your application will be inactivated from the other teacher job posting(s). 

Yes. Each year is a new hiring year and all applicants will need to re-apply as your application will expire at the end of each school year.

  • You are only able to apply and interview for the same job posting once, so you will not be reconsidered again for this posting. You will be able to apply to the Occasional Teacher job postings when it becomes available.

  • In the meantime, you are more than welcome to apply to any other YRDSB positions which you meet the qualifications for and are of interest to you. We encourage you to create job alerts for positions posted with the YRDSB on ApplytoEducation, to not miss out on any opportunities of interest to you. Here are instructions on how to set up job alerts.

You may apply to any LTO opportunities available on Apply to Education.

Contract/Permanent Teaching

A Contract Teacher is a permanent teacher.

Yes, contract positions will be posted on our website as opportunities arise.

Information pertaining to benefits/salary may be found on the New Employee Information page.

Yes, previous teaching experience is eligible to be transferred.  However, it is reviewed before being granted.

Letters from previous employers stating teaching details (dates/position/percentage) must be submitted to the Board for review.

Yes, you can claim related experience.  Letters from employers will need to be submitted for review.

Placement on the grid is determined by your QECO rating statement and your experience.

Permanent contract teachers are paid 3.85% of their annual salary every two weeks from September to June.  The final pay in June includes the difference of what has been paid to date and the annual salary, less any pay deduct days.  There is no pay in July/August.

Once your paperwork has been processed, you will be placed on the seniority list.  The effective date is typically the day you commence teaching.

No, seniority cannot be transferred.