

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Tip Sheet: Learning Story for Parents

The Learning Story presents parents and their children with a scrolling list of posts shared evidence items (i.e. posts) by your child’s teacher. Newest items are shown first.



The Learning Story is available on both mobile and browser interfaces.


A computer screen and mobile device are shown with same  image of a child's artwork.  


Each item includes the teacher’s observation, the media – usually one or two pictures - and any conversation with the student.



Items also show a list of the learning expectations/standards associated with the item which are displayed when students and parents hover over the item.



An image of a kindergarten class name is shown with hover text showing information parents can see when they hover their mouse over the learning expectations.  



Finally, there is a conversational feed to enable the teacher, the student, or the parent to reflect and discuss the learning associated with the item.



A conversation between a parent and teacher are shown with the reply field parents can use to share comments with the teacher. A camera, file image, link image, and Google Drive icon are shown to highlight the various ways parents can respond. 


How to Access the Learning Story



Parents can access their child’s Learning Story conveniently from their mobile device (e.g. smartphone, iPad, tablet, etc.). This is recommended when you are taking a photo/video of your child’s work to share with the teacher.

1. Open the app on your mobile device. Login using your email address as the username and the password that you created when you activated your Edsby account. 




The mobile Edsby login page is shown with a blue login button. 

2. Once logged into the Edsby app, parents will be shown a list of their children. Under each child is an option to view their ‘Learning Story’. Tap on ‘Learning Story’ to view the Learning Story feed.  





A mobile parent page is shown with a yellow box surrounding the words Learning Story. A yellow arrow shows a mobile view of the student's learning story. 



3. T​o comment on a post (or upload your child’s work), tap on “Comments”.







A red arrow points to a the word comment. Parents click the word comment to add a comment to the learning story. 

4. A reply box will appear with some icons below. Type in your comment (or your child’s response) in the box and tap on the icons to take a photo/video recording, upload a photo from your photo library, or upload a file from your device.  When you are done, tap the ‘Share’ button.





A mobile comment field is shown with a camera, microphone, photo, file, and link icons. A share button is shown in the bottom righthand side.  





Parents can also access their child’s Learning Story on the Edsby browser. 

1. Logs into your Edsby account using https://yrdsb.edsby.com/ 




The Edsby login page for desktop computers is shown with a blue login button. 


2. On your Edsby homepage, you will see your child(ren) listed on the left-hand side. Below the Classes panel for each child is an option for parents to view the child’s ‘Learning Story’. Click on ‘Learning Story’ to access your child’s Learning Story.






A red arrow points to the words Learning Story. A parent clicks this area to access their child's learning story. 




​3. To comment on a post (or upload your child’s work), respond to the teacher’s post in the reply box. To attach a photo/video or a file from your computer/Google Drive, click on the icons below the reply box. When you are done, click on the ‘Share’ button.



Image shows the Edsby learning story with an image uploaded. A trash can icon is shown in the top right hand side of the image. With a blue share button in the left corner. 




Notifications for Learning Story Posts


It is recommended that parents turn on notifications for Learning Story posts. To do this, go to ‘Account Settings’ by clicking on your name at the top of your page (web browser). On a mobile device, ‘Account Settings’ appear on the homepage. On the Account Settings form, click on ‘Notifications’ or the ‘Change’ button for Notifications.


A yellow arrow runs from Account Settings to the Notification selection where parents can choose to receive notifications from Messages, Daily Digest, Classes and Groups.  








Click on a child to set notifications for them. Select ‘Class Activity ‘to be notified about the child’s classes - this includes teacher posts in the Learning Story. Click on the drop down menu under ‘Notify activity via:’ and choose how you would like to receive your Instant Notifications. These choices include notifying by email, through Edsby itself, and through Push notifications.








A yellow arrow runs from the name of the student to the Class Activity selection. A blue box with a checkmark shows the selection has been made.  





If you have multiple children and would like to be notified of their Class Activity, click Apply changes to all my children.





A yellow rectangle surrounds a blue box with a checkmark denoting the changes have been applied to all children.


YRDSB Online Learning Tips: Learning Story for Families