The YRDSB Museum and Archives has a collection of artefacts and primary documents that detail the history of the Board since the 1840s. If you are interested in information about schools, teachers and students from schools in York Region, we keep a number of records on site that may be referenced for information, or we can steer you in the direction of other organizations with the information you require. Please keep in mind that we are bound by the privacy requirements of FOIPOP so there are some records in our collection that have limited availability.
Access to our collections is by appointment only. Please contact us to arrange your visit.
School Anniversary Celebrations and Reunions
School reunion and anniversary committees are welcome to use the Museum and Archives to help with planning. You might reference our collections, borrow artefacts for display or arrange to make reproductions of archival materials. We will keep copies of any research or commemorative publications in our files for future reference.