

Test alert 8 jan

Test alert 8 jan des









Test jan 7

Test jan 7 alert

test jan 5-2

test jan 5-2

Test jan 5

Test jan 5

Test alert 10

Test alert 10

Tes 132

Tes 132

Alert 2

This is alert









Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Teacher Hiring Protocol

The YRDSB is committed to preparing students for success, now and in the future. To achieve this, it is essential to have a well-prepared, qualified and diverse teacher workforce. We are committed to ensure that all teachers will have theknowledge, skills, and attributes needed to ensure that each student’s background and social identity is respected in order to reach their full potential.

This protocol shall be applied in accordance with collective agreement obligations.


1. Promoting Equity and Diversity

Equity and diversity are critical factors that are to be applied in the interview and hiring process.

Equity and Inclusivity Policy #261

YRDSB Leadership Framework (PDF)


2. Employment Mobility

The teacher hiring process is to provide equal opportunity to all OCT certified teachers), irrespective of their location or where they are currently employed, to apply for any position (Occasional, Long Term or Permanent) for which they are qualified.

Permanent and Long Term teaching vacancies will be posted both internally and externally.


3. Fair Hiring Process


Job Posting

Administrators shall ensure all job postings are an accurate reflection of the staffing needs for the school prior to posting a vacancy.


Candidate selection

After the job posting (LTO or Contract) has closed, the school administrator shall:

  • assess all applications according to the requirements as identified in the job posting;

  • interview a minimum of three (3) teachers who have the required qualifications;

  • ensure that if fewer than three (3)qualified applicants apply, the hiring process will still proceed;

  • refer to the Hiring Tool Kit for guidance if there are no successful candidates;

  • consider selecting teachers for interviews where applicants have demonstrated their ability to meet the mandatory requirements and who:

    • are reflective of the diversity of the community

    • have merit and additional qualifications and experience;

    • possess additional experiences, skills, backgrounds, lived and work experiences;

    • are newly qualified teachers;

    • have been an Occasional Teacher for multiple years and are seeking a permanent teaching opportunity.



The hiring process includes:

  • guidelines for elementary and/or secondary panels as indicated in the Teacher Hiring Tool Kit;

  • a panel of at least two (2) administrators.

The same interview and assessment process will be applied to all applicants.


Feedback to Unsuccessful Candidates

Upon request, following an unsuccessful interview, an applicant will receive constructive and specific verbal feedback from a member of the interview panel in respect of their performance during the interview.


4. Qualifications and Merit For Candidate Appointment

In appointing a candidate to a teaching position (long-term occasional or permanent) the school will;

  • consider merit to include formal qualifications and credentials, as well as professional skills and aptitudes demonstrated through a fair and transparent hiring process;

  • require hiring panels to review and factor into the decision making process the following to enhance student experiences;

    • candidate’s lived experiences;

    • candidate’s backgrounds and varied work experiences that may be considered valuable to the position (e.g. unique perspectives of under-represented groups, such as Indigenous peoples, Black or other racialized people, people with a disability, etc.,);

    • candidate’s ability to speak multiple languages in addition to English or French,

    • candidate’s experience in working with diverse communities

    • candidate’s skill sets/interests or professional experiences outside the classroom

  • maintain due regard for the provision of the best possible program as determined by the administrator, throughout the hiring process, with evidence of:

    • teaching commitment to students;

    • experiences/time spent in a particular school;

    • suitability for a particular assignment;

    • responsiveness to local needs based on clearly-defined criteria including qualifications


5. Roster of Occasional Teachers

The roster of Occasional Teachers will continue. Interview process to add to the OT roster will occur when there is a need. The LTO List has been discontinued.


6. Conflict of Interest

It is essential that a high standard of honesty, integrity, impartiality and conduct be maintained in all Board activities and decisions.

Conflict of Interest- Policy and Procedure# 222.0


YRDSB Teacher Hiring Protocol - Full Version (staff login required)