Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit, distinctio quam accusamus laborum eligendi perspiciatis.

Math Problems

June 2020 - Math Problem

A magic square has the property that each column, each row and each diagonal add up to the same number.  The magic square below is a special one called Ramanujan’s square.  Notice that each column, row and diagonal sum to 139.  What other combinations of squares add up to 139?  Enjoy!








Math Problems

May 2020 - Math Problem

Many sports that have playoffs use a best-of-seven format.  This means that the two teams play until one team wins four games.  If two teams are evenly matched, how many games would you expect it to take to end a best-of-seven series?  Simulate this problem by tossing a coin and recording heads or tails.  The first to four wins.  Repeat this experiment and each time keep track of the number of games it took to end the series.  Finding the mean of these values will approximate the expected number of games.  In general, better approximations can be found by increasing the number of

Math Problems

April 2020 - Math Problem

Suppose that you have a can of red paint, a can of blue paint, and a large supply of identical wooden cubes.  If you paint each face either solid red or solid blue, how many different cubes can be made?  ​


All red  1

Five red and one blue 1

Four red and two blue 2

Three red and three blue 2

Two red and four blue 2

One red and five blue 1

All blue 1

Math Problems

March 2020 - Math Problem

What is the largest number of pieces of (round) pie that you can get with five straight cuts?  The pieces do not all have to be the same size. ​


You can get 16 pieces.  What if you did 7 straight cuts?

Math Problems

February 2020 - Math Problem

What is the largest number of pieces of (round) pie that you can get with five straight cuts?  The pieces do not all have to be the same size.

You have an unlimited supply of water and two unmarked cylindrical containers.  The first container holds 5 litres and the other holds 3 litres. How would you get exactly 4 litres of water?​


Fill the five and pour what you can into the three

Empty the three and pour what remains in the five into the three.  

Math Problems

January 2020 - Math Problem

You have a jar full of nickels, dimes and quarters.  If you select 3 coins, how many different sums of money are possible? 


10 sums are possible (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 60 and 75).  What if the jar also had loonies?

Math Problems

November 2019 - Math Problem

Small and large hexagon

If there are three dots on each side of a hexagon as shown, then there are 12 dots in total.  

If there are five dots on each side of a hexagon as shown, then there are 24 dots in total.  

Following this pattern how many dots would there be in total if there were 10 dots on each side?  

Math Problems

September 2019 - Math Problem

There are 50 tiles in a row.  Every third tile is red.  Every fourth tile has a star printed on it.  

Every remaining tile is green and unmarked.  

How many green and unmarked tiles are there?  

There are 26 green and unmarked tiles.  What if we started with 500 tiles instead of 50?  How many would be green and unmarked?





Math Problems

June 2019 - Math Problem

Using all of the digits from 1 to 9 without repeating, make 3 three-digit numbers and add them up. How close to 1000 can you get without going over?

For example, one possibility would be 165+398+247=810.


One way to get a sum of 999 is 537+168+294. Are there other ways to get a sum of 999? Is it possible to get a sum of 1000?​

For more problems like this visit:

Math Problems

May 2019 - Math Problem

Using the numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6, and the operations +, -, x, and / can you come up with the numbers from 1 to 20?  You must use the numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6 exactly once in each calculation. You may use brackets as part of your work.  For example:

1 =  4 x 1+ 3 - 6

2 =  4 + 3 - 6 + 1

3 = (6 + 3) / (4 - 1)


1 =  4 x 1+ 3 - 6

2 =  4 + 3 - 6 + 1

3 = (6 + 3) / (4 - 1)

4 = (6 - 4) x (3 - 1)

5 = 4 x 3 - 6 - 1

6 = 6 - 4 +3 + 1

7 = 4 x 3 - 6 +1

Math Problems