Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Math Newsletter

June 2020 - Taking Math Outside

Have you ever thought about taking math outside? “Being outside enables connections to be made between the hands, heart and head, laying the foundation for more complex work as children grow, develop and learn. The natural and built worlds provide dynamic and constantly changing environments, offering an endless supply of patterns, textures, quantities and other attributes that underpin much of the necessary early maths experiences” (Messy Maths: A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years) 

Math Newsletter

May 2020 - Measurement

How long? How tall? How heavy? How far? Measurement is an inescapable math concept that children utilize everyday without realizing it. Measurement involves finding or comparing the size, length or amount of something. Children will naturally begin to explore the concept of measurement through play and will develop ways to quantify amounts using non-standard units such as hands, feet or blocks.

Math Newsletter

April 2020 - Manipulatives

Manipulatives are concrete materials that children can use to represent mathematical ideas. They are important tools in developing mathematical understanding for all children K-12. 

Manipulatives help children by providing:

  • Models they can refer to (i.e., visualize) even when the manipulatives are no longer present

  • A reason for them to work cooperatively to solve problems

  • A reason for them to discuss mathematical ideas and verbalize their thinking

Math Newsletter

March 2020 - Creativity in Math

Have you ever realized how much creativity there is in math? The Arts (visual arts, music and dance) are creative mediums that are interconnected with mathematical concepts and reasoning. When children are engaged in the Arts they are developing their artistic skills as well as their mathematical skills in a variety of areas (e.g., spatial reasoning, proportional reasoning and problem solving). Artists work creatively and flexibly with geometric shapes, scaling, patterns, fractions and many more mathematical concepts. The Arts is a playful way to inspire young mathematicians.  

Math Newsletter

February 2020 - Picture Books and Math

Have you ever thought about using picture books to learn math with your child? Children of all ages love stories and they are a friendly way to engage in math talk about numbers and other mathematical concepts.  The visual displays can help children understand the math and the story line helps them connect math to their everyday life. 

Using picture books to explore math can: 

  • Help children learn mathematical concepts and skills 

Math Newsletter

January 2020 - Math Anxiety

  • How do you react when you see a math problem? Do your palms start to sweat, does your mind go blank, do you start to feel physically ill? Approximately one third of children feel anxious when doing math - and the scary part is, this anxiety has been found in children as young as 5 years old. We need to help children see that math is more than just right and wrong answers or sets of facts and rules, so they can find the joy and beauty in it. 
    • Here are some tips for how you can help your child develop a positive relationship with math:

Math Newsletter

December 2019 - Money and Financial Literacy

With the winter break approaching, there are many opportunities to discuss money and financial literacy with your child. Financial literacy involves all aspects of money such as budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, retirement planning, insurance and taxes. 

Math Newsletter

November 2019 - Development of Executive Functioning Skills

When we support our children with math, we tend to focus on helping them with specific content areas - for example knowing their facts, measuring distances, how to calculate volume - but did you know that there are other ways we can support them in math? Recent research suggests that executive function skills play a critical role in the development of mathematical proficiency and by helping our children develop these skills, we will help them improve their math. 

Math Newsletter

October 2019 - Spatial Reasoning

When we think of supporting our children with math, we tend to focus on number sense - understanding numbers and basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), but have you ever thought about working on spatial reasoning? 

Math Newsletter

September 2019 - Talking About Numbers

Talking about numbers is important for children’s math learning. Number talks during daily activities and play has a positive effect on children’s math knowledge in future years.  



Estimation is an important part of our everyday lives, and in school, it helps students judge the reasonableness of their solutions. 

Math Newsletter