Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Membership Application Process - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

Please refer to the question and answers below to further support you in the application process. 


1. In past how many people have applied for positions each year?

Applications received vary. For the 2021/22 year, we received 173 applications.


2. Is the application available as a PDF?

Yes - please email to receive a pdf.


3. Can some of the PEAC meetings be attended remotely?

We will have a clearer picture of this closer to September.


4. Can some of the PEAC meetings be attended in person?

We will have a clearer picture of this closer to September.


5. What time are the meetings typically scheduled?

They are typically scheduled from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m.


6. When meetings resume in person, can we bring our children/is childcare provided?

Please feel free to reach out to discuss further with our team


7. Also for subcommittee members what is the time commitment?

There is usually a minimum of 10 hours time commitment per year.


8. How many meetings are there within the year?

There are a minimum of 5 meetings per year.


9. What is the approximate time commitment per year from PEAC members?

There is usually 10 hours to 20 hours time commitment,. This includes regular meetings and sub committee meetings and work.


10. On average, how long are the meetings? one hour? two hours?

We try to keep meetings to one and half to two hours.


11. What is the term of service for a member?

 PEAC member term of service is usually 2 years.


12. How many members will be selected?

Openings vary each year for PEAC members.


13. Will applicants need to undergo any training, such as implicit bias, etc.?

We do offer PEAC members professional development opportunities.


14. Would it matter on which grade my child is in?

PEAC applicants may have children in any grade K-12.


15. Is being on a school council a requirement for being a member?

In the application we ask if you have been a member of school council and for how long but this is not a requirement.


16. Do you have to be a member of the school community besides having kids attend YRDSB school?

In the application, it is indicated that we are seeking applicants who have demonstrated the identified competencies/skills within your child/ren's school, within other volunteer experiences OR within a professional capacity.


17. Can you be part of the PEAC and your local school council within the same school year?

Yes, in the application, it is indicated that we are seeking applicants who have demonstrated the identified competencies/skills within your child/ren's school, within other volunteer experiences OR within a professional capacity.


18. What CEC Areas should I apply to if I have children attending schools that fall in different areas?

You are welcome to apply to either area.


19. Are you looking for members with higher education only? It is presented and feels targeted that way and not sure if equitable.

We are seeking PEAC committee members with the following skills:

  • Global communication skills
  • Community collaboration and consultation skills
  • Relationship building, problem-solving, partnerships
  • Ambassadors for diverse identities of students, parents/guardians and community members, challenging biases.  


20. Does an applicant have to have previous volunteer experience?

In the application, it is indicated that we are seeking applicants who have demonstrated the identified competencies/skills within your child/ren's school, within other volunteer experiences OR within a professional capacity.


21. Is there an interview involved?

PEAC member selection is based on the following selection criteria:

  • Competencies and skills
  • Ensure the “Look-Fors” are incorporated into the application and reference forms/processes.
  • Alignment among all forms
  • Review with selection committee members

An Interview is not a component of this selection process


22. Can we find out before the first meeting?

Yes - you will find out prior to first meeting.


23. Both of my kids are with EVS now, when we submit the application, do we have an option for that, or we pick the schools where they usually go to in person?

You will select your child/ren's homeschool.


24. Where can we find the link to the areas ?

The areas that are accepting applications are in the PEAC member online application.


25. With regard to references, do you prefer references to come from office colleagues, member of other boards the candidate sits on or personal sources?

There are two references required - one is a YRDSB school administrator (principal or vice-principal) and the other is a reference of your choice. This is outlined in the PEAC member online application.


26. References - can these be from outside the school community itself?

There are two references required - one is a YRDSB school administrator (principal or vice-principal) and the other is a reference of your choice. This is outlined in the PEAC member online application.


27. About references, Is there any other options for those who don't have administrators connection?

We do require one reference be a YRDSB school administrator (principal or vice-principal).


28.  My son started JK in YRDSB the year the pandemic started and has been in Virtual Elementary School this past year. Wondering how I would get a reference from a school administrator. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Please connect with your Elementary Virtual School (EVS) school administrator or your home school administrator. You can connect via the school email found on YRDSB School Profiles.


29. What do you mean by Administrator? Please provide examples?

An administrator is a principal or vice principal at a school. The administrator reference must be a YRDSB administrator.


30. What are some of the subcommittees and workgroup activities that we can participate in if not selected?

We also have other advisory committee where parents can be involved and these can be found on Family Engagement - Board Committees.


31. Can you provide an example of something the PEAC has been able to accomplish through its recent efforts?

The PEAC communication sub committee recently launched a dedicated PEAC webpage. On this webpage you will also find PEAC's first newsletter entitled "Engagement Matters".