Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Community Involvement - Information for Students

As part of the diploma requirements, you must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities during your secondary school years. These activities may be completed at any time before graduation, beginning in the summer following Grade 8. If you are under the age of 18 you must plan and select your community involvement activities from the list of approved activities in consultation with your parents/guardians.

Step 1: Review the list of eligible activities

Step 2: Select an activity When choosing an activity, consider your interests and possible career paths, as well as the needs of the community. There are many local organizations which will help find volunteer placements. Students may want to contact one or more of the following:

  • charitable organizations;
  • community agencies;
  • community centres;
  • government offices;
  • service clubs; and/or
  • volunteer centres.

If you have questions about your selection please contact your secondary Guidance Office or elementary principal.

Step 3: Complete the notification portion of the Notification and Completion of Community Involvement Activities Form

This form can help you plan and track the completion of your activities. Forms are available online, in your elementary school’s Office, or your secondary school’s Guidance Office. The notification portion of the form should be completed and returned to your elementary school’s Office, or your secondary school’s Guidance Office prior to completing activities.

Step 4: Complete your volunteer activities

The requirement is to be completed outside of normal instructional hours. The activities are to take place in the your designated lunch hour, after school, on weekends, during school holidays or in the summer. You must submit to the school a record of his or her community involvement activities. Before engaging in volunteer activities, students (and parents) are expected to notify the guidance office as part of the pre-approval process.

When participating in a community involvement activity, remember to demonstrate a positive work ethic and a sense of responsibility. Community sponsors will expect punctuality, appropriate dress, respect for others, confidentiality of workplace information, a willingness to develop new skills, the ability to follow directions, and careful use of workplace equipment.

Step 5: Complete the remainder of the Notification and Completion of Community Involvement Activities Form

Upon completion of community involvement activities, the form should be completed and signed by the community sponsor, and a parent/guardian if you are under 18 years of age. You must submit the form to your secondary school’s Guidance Office once you have completed their community involvement activities. The form will be retained in the student’s Ontario Student Record five years after graduation.