Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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About Employment (finding school-to-work opportunities)

Finding a job is hard work. Why settle for any job when you might be able to find a good job that interests you, has reasonable pay and a safe / supportive working environment. You can find that good job by taking the time to research the answers to the following questions. For support with answering answering these questions contact your Guidance Counsellor or visit one of the Youth Employment Services in your area.

What are your skills, interests and abilities?

Before try to convince a potential employer to hire you, you need to learn how to describe yourself to the employer. Here are links to quizzes the will help you with this:

What kinds of jobs match your skills, interests and abilities?

Now that you have a better understanding of your skills, interests and abilities, you should complete at least one Interest Inventory. Interest inventories are questionnaires that are designed to help you to find the careers that match your skills, interests, and abilities.

How do you find potential employers?

The interest inventories have generated a list of careers that match your skills, interests and abilities. There are a number of techniques that you can use to find a potential employer in your chosen area. Many organizations maintain Job Banks that are databases of employers who are advertising jobs.

How do you contact a potential employer?

Once you have found a list of potential employers, you will need to find the best way to contact them:

  • You will need a Social Insurance Number.
  • For many part-time and entry-level jobs, employers use Job Applications to screen potential employees.
  • Other employers use résumés to screen potential employees.
  • A résumé, tailored to fit the job you are applying for, is one of the most important tools that you need in order to get an interview.
  • A résumé should be accompanied by a cover letter.
  • The cover letter is your first real contact with the person who may become your employer.
  • It will determine if the prospective employer will read your résumé.
  • Your time has finally come! You've been called for an interview.
  • Now what? Don't sweat it! Prepare yourself to win.
  • You know you're ready for the job, now you have to convince the employer!
  • After the interview, you should send a Thank You Letter.

What do you need to know after you get the job?