Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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School Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities

The Ministry of Education has indicated that schools may resume high-contact sports and activities. After consultation with York Region Public Health, and recognizing the importance that extra-curricular activities provide students in support of their physical and mental health, our schools will have the opportunity to offer intramural and inter-school athletics.  In doing so, we are following the directions from the Ministry of Education as well as the guidance from York Region Public Health, to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff. 

The guidelines for the permitted intramural/intra-school athletics are based on:

  • the fact that they involve students from multiple cohorts

  • conditions for indoor and outdoor, full game play and individual skill drill/practicing

  • conditions for low contact sports (limited/intermittent proximity/contact) and high contact sports (routine close proximity)  


Elementary Intramural Sports:

School site-based decision making will include: supervision, learning spaces, equipment, and the overall benefits and risks associated with the activity chosen. Intramurals involve mixing of cohorts, therefore the following Ministry guidelines apply:

  • Masking and physical distancing are required for indoor sports.

  • Masking is not required when playing high or low contact activities outdoors.

  • Cohorts may interact outdoors with physical distancing encouraged.


Elementary School Inter-School Sports:

In consultation with York Region Public Health, these guidelines support the safe participation of staff and students in inter-school sports outside of the instructional day:

  • Only fully vaccinated students may participate in inter-school sports. Participating students will be required to attest that they have been fully vaccinated.

  • Participating school staff coaches and sporting officials (referees) will also be required to attest that they are fully vaccinated.  Community volunteers are not allowed to participate at this time in the schools. 

  • As per Ministry direction, when participating in either high or low-contact indoor activities masking is not required (e.g., during warm-up and game-play), unless they can be worn safely while participating. Masking is required at all times while off the court.

  • All Inter-school sports will take place after school, and no spectators will be allowed at school site-based sporting events. 

  • The use of changerooms is permitted. 

  • Play is limited to within the York Region Elementary Athletic Association/YRDSB for the winter schedule. 


Secondary School Intramurals:

High and low contact activities are permitted as follows:

  • Masks can be removed when actively participating in the activity if they cannot be worn safely while participating (e.g., masks may be removed while actively playing basketball, but must be worn while on the bench).

  • Masking is required for indoor sports when not actively engaged in the activity.

  • Masking is not required when playing high or low contact activities outdoors.


Secondary School Inter-School Sports:

In consultation with York Region Public Health, these guidelines support the safe participation of staff and students in inter-school sports outside of the instructional day:

  • Only fully vaccinated students may participate in inter-school sports. Participating students will be required to attest that they have been fully vaccinated.

  • Participating school staff coaches and sporting officials (referees) will also be required to attest that they are fully vaccinated.  Community volunteers are not allowed to participate at this time in the schools. 

  • As per Ministry direction, when participating in either high or low-contact indoor activities masking is not required (e.g., during warm-up and game-play), unless they can be worn safely while participating.  Masking is required at all times while off the court and when teams are congregating. Masking is not required when playing high or low contact activities outdoors.

  • Inter-school sports will take place after school, where possible.  No spectators will be allowed at school site-based sporting events. 

  • Play is limited to within the York Region Athletic Association/YRDSB for the winter schedule. 

  • The use of changerooms is permitted.