Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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From 2019-2020 - Sections E and J for Section 2.5 Section D: Support Staff and Services Section H: Special Education Advisory Committee

Sections E and J for Section 2.5

Educational and Other Assessments

The assessment process is interdisciplinary and occurs in a continuous cycle that is fully integrated into the learning-teaching process: at the outset of work; as work progresses; and at the conclusion to work. It is also multi-tiered, beginning and ending with the classroom teacher and leading to an ongoing evaluation of effective instruction, reassessment, and access to opportunities for achievement based on changing student needs ((Salvia, 1990) Education for All; Expert Panel Report, 2005).

Linking Assessment with the Tiered Approach:

The Tiered Approach is a model used as teachers plan to meet the needs of each learner in their class.

Tier 1:

Planning for instruction and assessment begins by knowing our learner. Information must be gathered around a student’s strengths, needs and interests to ensure we are addressing each student. Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) will help guide the teaching-learning cycle to ensure we address the learning needs of each student. As part of the planning process, a class profile can be used to better understand the strengths, needs and learning style of students in the class. The social, emotional and academic learning skills continuum will be considered as an essential underlying component of academic success.

For more detailed information about the classroom profile and individual student profile, please refer to the Learning for All document.

Tier 2:

As the teacher observes, differentiates, and uses assessment strategies throughout instruction, there will be some students who will require planned interventions based on the analysis of student achievement. A growth plan is developed and results are monitored. The teacher may wish to develop a Student Profile to further develop an understanding of the student’s areas of strength and need. Teachers will use the classroom data and curriculum-based assessment along with the growth plan to support the discussion at the In-School Team. The school team including the teacher(s), parent /guardian(s), school support staff and administrator will collaborate to plan, monitor and determine the duration of strategies, resources and/or interventions. An outcome of the growth plan may be to adjust the interventions, which could include an additional In-School Team meeting. ​

Tier 3:

A smaller percentage of students will require more intensive supports and services. The school should consider using an interdisciplinary team approach to address more intensive student needs (i.e. learning, behaviour and/or social emotional needs). Student Services staff will be invited to the interdisciplinary In-School Team meeting based on the areas of concern which may include:

  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Listening
  • Oral Language
  • Motor Skills
  • Behavioural/Social Skills
  • Attention/Concentration

Recommendations from the In-School team could include:

  • adjustments to program and/or further classroom interventions;
  • review and analysis of classroom assessment data and curriculum-based assessment;
  • use of tracking sheets or checklists to gather further information and data;
  • further assessment; and/or
  • referral to Student Services staff.

When a teacher becomes aware that an individual student is experiencing difficulty meeting curriculum expectations, he or she may require additional information obtained through a focused assessment. The summary chart on the following pages provides specific information regarding the types of assessment that may be accessed and the policies and procedures that guide practice.

 Time Frames for Assessments:

Students who are referred for an assessment are often seen within the school year in which the request is made. Referrals not seen by the conclusion of the school year will be prioritized on a waitlist for assessment in the following school year. A variety of factors are used to prioritize referrals on a waitlist at each school, such as:

  • Nature of referral
  • Age of student and urgency for assessment results
  • Length of time on the waitlist
  • Time since previous assessment

Please note that every effort will be made to ensure that students are provided with differentiated instruction while waiting for an assessment. Parent/guardians are encouraged to contact the school principal if they have concerns about their child’s functioning while waiting for an assessment.

Information for 2020-2021 school year for Educational and Other Assessments found in Section 2.3; it includes assessment tools used for:

  • Educational Assessment Tools
  • Speech/Language Assessment Tools
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy Assessment Tools
  • Psychological Test Instruments - Cognition
  • Behaviour Assessment Tools

 Collection, Storage and Distribution of Assessment Information


  • Parents have a right to have all assessment information made available to them unless a court order restricts parent access.
  • A student who has reached the age of majority may deny his or her parents access to assessment information.
  • Students and parents have the right to be provided with an explanation regarding the type of assessment information to be collected, the nature of the assessment procedures, the reasons for collecting the information and the possible implications or use of the information collected.
  • Informed consent is required from parents, or the student who has reached age eighteen, in order to conduct a psychological assessment.
  • Information from third parties may be considered in the assessment process if the parent, or the student who is an adult, provides written consent.


  • Copies of formal assessment reports are kept in the Ontario Student Record documentation file for use by authorized personnel for the purpose of facilitating and enhancing the instruction of the student. The original assessment reports are the property of the specific department responsible for the individual assessment (i.e. original SLP assessment reports are filed in SLP central files, etc.)
  • The contents of the documentation file are reviewed regularly to ensure stored information continues to be beneficial to the instruction of the student. The Principal shall remove items no longer appropriate.
  • The documentation file of the OSR shall be retained for five years after the student retires from school.
  • Access to the assessment information is restricted to the student and parent(s) as well as Supervisory Officers, Principal and teachers. With informed client/parent/guardian consent, outside consultants (YRDSB Student Services staff) might also be granted access to assessment information contained within the documentation file of the OSR.
  • Assessment documentation gathered for the purpose of SIP/SEA claim submission may be requested by the parent to remain sealed in the Chief Psychologist’s office without a copy of the assessment being in the OSR. A letter to that effect is added to the OSR.
  • In accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, the appropriate department retains original Psychological, Speech and Language and Physical or Occupational Therapy assessment reports in a confidential file.


  • Academic Assessment
    • A copy of the academic assessment is provided by the Principal to parents. The original is placed in the OSR for at least one year.
  • Psychological Assessments
    • Psychological assessments are provided for parents only if the form Consent for Psychological Assessment has been completed. Speech-Language reports are always provided to parents, following the verbal sharing of information.
    • Psychological assessments are removed from the documentation File:
      • by the Principal;
      • ​at the written request of the parent or adult student; or
      • ​at such time that it is no longer beneficial to the instruction of the student.
    • Psychological assessments removed from the documentation file are returned to the Chief Psychologist and the parent’s written request for removal is stored in the OSR.
    • Distribution of a psychological report to a third-party agency can be requested by parents by completing the Consent to Exchange of Personal Student Information form. Distribution of a Speech-Language report to a third-party agency can be requested by parents by the same form.
  • PT/OT
    • All records relating to Physical and Occupational Therapy Services, Autism Team and Regional Behaviour Team (now including copies) are to be sent to the Coordinator of the Physical and Occupational Therapy Services, attention Janice MacIntyre (at CLL). She will ensure that all important information is captured for further retention. These records include Physical and Occupational Therapy (PT/OT) assessments, consultation reports, Autism Team reports, Regional Behaviour reports, CTN referral for Rehabilitation Services and referrals to Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) for physical and/or occupational therapy. SEA information contained in the blue folder should be shredded.
  • S-LP
    • All records relating to Speech-Language Pathology services (now including copies) are to be sent to the Coordinator of the Speech-Language Pathology Department, attention Janice MacIntyre at the CLL. She will ensure that all important information is captured for further retention. These records include speech and/or language assessment reports and associated addendums, consultation reports, Autism Team reports, Regional Behaviour Team reports, Guided Assessment Referrals to CTN ACCS services and referrals to Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) for speech therapy. SEA information contained in the blue folder should be shredded.


  • The following FOIPOP statement is included on all reports: “The information in this report was collected pursuant to the Education Act and The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This report will be used to assist the school in developing an appropriate program for the student. Further questions about the nature of the information summarized in the report may be directed to the Principal of the student’s school.”

Request for Student Support Services

The Request for Student Support Services includes two pages - Page 1 outlines the support being requested while Page 2 provides the parent/guardian consent.


Student Support Services Request for Consent Page One
Student Support Services Request for Consent Page Two
Student Support Services Request for Consent Page Three


Consent to Exchange Personal Student Information

The Consent to Exchange Personal Student Information includes Section A, Section B and Section C.

  • Section A - Disclosure of Personal Student Information TO the York Region District School Board
  • Section B - Disclosure of Personal Student Information FROM the York Region District School Board
  • Section C - Signature of Parent/Guardian/Education Designate/Student (as appropriate)

Consent to Exchange Information


Academic Assessments​

Please refer to the Educational Assessment Tools Chart​ (also in Section K - Appendices) which includes Educational Assessment Tools used in YRDSB