Inclement Weather Day - School Transportation Cancelled

Due to inclement weather conditions, transporation services(buses and taxis) are cancelled. Schools remain open to students.

Website Maintenance

Our website will be unavailable on June 4, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 P.M. due to scheduled maintenanace.

Alert heading will be here!

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Correspondence During the War

The letter here is written from “Somewhere in France”. Those writing from France used this address so as not to give away locations in letters, for fear that the enemy soldiers would use it as intelligence. Even letters being sent to what could be a friend or family in small town Ontario were written carefully.​ It also references a Lieutenant who is most likely Robert Edward Richards from Langstaff, Ontario. He was part of the 127th Overseas Battalion, which provided railway-engineering services until the end of the war​.

Wartime letter onePage 1 of LetterWartime letter twoPage 2 of Letter

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Somewhere in France


Dear Drew

As I have not heard from you for some time , I thought it best to drop you a line to let you know I am well. But I cannot blame you for not writing, as I have not wrote you as regular as I should off done. I hope you got the letter I sent you about the Boxes I received at xmas + N.Y. I hope your well thank the friends that so kindly went to the trouble of sending them to me and others. It was too bad that I opened them the way I did. But accidence will happen in the best of families. HaHa. Well Drew I will have to close Hoping this will find you all well as it leaves  me. A. K.

I am yours to B4



PS. Tell George that Bob Richards has ​his commissioner as a Lieut.

Page 2

You probably could not make that out I put on the bottom. Tell George for me that Sergt Robt Richards has his Commissioner in his Batt as a Lieut


YRDSB Museum & Archives Collection, 003.42.93