Secondary Summer School Courses

Included below are the summer 2023 courses offered by summer school location. 

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHV2O Civics  Open(0.5 credit)
  • GLC2O Careers Open (0.5 credit)
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • MCF3M Functions and Applications College/University - CANCELLED
  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4C English College
  • ENG4U English University
  • MCT4C Math College Tech College - CANCELLED
  • MHF4U Advanced Functions University - CANCELLED
  • OLC4O Literacy Course Open

English as a Second Language Courses

  • ESLBO English as a Second Language - Level B
  • ESLCO English as a Second Language - Level C
  • ESLDO English as a Second Language - Level D
  • ESLEO English as a Second Language - Level E

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHV2O Civics Open (0.5 credit)
  • ENG2D English Academic
  • ENG2P English Applied
  • GLC2O Careers Open (0.5 credit)
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic
  • SNC2D Science Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University
  • SBI3C Biology College
  • SBI3U Biology University
  • SPH3U Physics University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4C English College
  • ENG4U English University
  • OLC4O Literacy Course Open

English as a Second Language Courses

  • ESLBO English as a Second Language - Level B
  • ESLCO English as a Second Language - Level C
  • ESLDO English as a Second Language - Level D
  • ESLEO English as a Second Language - Level E

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHV2O Civics (0.5 credit) Open
  • ENG2D English Academic
  • ENG2P English Applied
  • GLC2O Careers (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic
  • SNC2D Science Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • MBF3C Math College
  • MCF3M Functions & Applications College / University - CANCELLED
  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University
  • SBI3C Biology College - CANCELLED
  • SBI3U Biology University - CANCELLED
  • SCH3U Chemistry University
  • SPH3U Physics University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4C English College
  • ENG4U English University
  • OLC4O Literacy Course Open
  • SPH4U Physics University

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHC2DF History Academic: French Immersion
  • CHV2O Civics (0.5 credit) Open
  • ENG2D English Academic
  • GLC2O Careers (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic
  • SNC2D Science Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • CGG3OF Travel & Tourism : French Immerison Open
  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University
  • NDA3M Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Issues and Perspectives College / University - CANCELLED
  • SBI3C Biology College
  • SBI3U Biology University
  • SCH3U Chemistry University
  • SPH3U Physics University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4U English University
  • MHF4U Advanced Functions University
  • SPH4U Physics University

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHV2O Civics (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLC2O Careers (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic
  • SNC2D Science Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University
  • SBI3U Biology University
  • SCH3U Chemistry University
  • SPH3U Physics University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4U English University
  • MHF4U Advanced Functions University - CANCELLED
  • SBI4U Biology University

International Language Courses

  • LKBBD Simplified Mandarin - Academic
  • LKBCU Simplified Mandarain - University
  • LWSBD Spanish - Level B - Academic
  • LWSCU Spanish - Level C - University
  • LYFBD Farsi - Level B - Academic
  • LYFCU Farsi - Level C - University 

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHC2DF History Academic: French Immersion
  • CHV2O Civics (0.5 credit) Open
  • ENG2D English Academic
  • ENG2P English Applied
  • GLC2O Careers (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • CGG3OF Travel & Tourism : French Immerison Open - CANCELLED
  • MCR3U Functions University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University
  • SCH3U Chemistry University
  • SPH3U Physics University - CANCELLED

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4C English College
  • ENG4U English University
  • MHF4U Advanced Functions University - CANCELLED

English as a Second Language Courses

  • ESLBO English as a Second Language - Level B
  • ESLCO English as a Second Language - Level C
  • ESLDO English as a Second Language - Level D
  • ESLEO English as a Second Language - Level E

Grade 10 Courses

  • CHC2D History Academic
  • CHV2O Civics (0.5 credit) Open
  • ENG2D English Academic
  • ENG2P English Applied
  • GLC2O Careers (0.5 credit) Open
  • GLD2O Discovering the Workplace Reach Ahead (Grade 8 entering 9) Open
  • MPM2D Math Academic
  • SNC2D Science Academic

Grade 11 Courses

  • MBF3C Math College College
  • MCF3M Functions & Applications College/University
  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices College
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices University

Grade 12 Courses

  • ENG4C English College
  • ENG4U English University
  • MCT4C Math College Tech College - CANCELLED
  • OLC4O Literacy Course Open