New Podcast Shines a Light on Black Excellence

York Region District School Board is launching a new podcast production, SHINE, that will feature voices from the Black community. 

A Tune In YRDSB production, SHINE introduces conversations that inspire and challenge. Guests will share their lived experiences, advice, industry expertise and more. The podcast launched with a conversation with Grammy award winning recording artist, Saeed Renaud

“This podcast isn’t just about celebrating what makes our community great. It’s also about unlearning, disrupting and relearning. This will be a space for true, honest conversation,” said Mawuli Chai, Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Strategist and one of the SHINE hosts. 

We have some exciting guests lined up,” said Darcie Sutherland, Principal of Dismantling Anti-Black Racism. “We’re going to talk about identity, culture and lived experiences. We will be digging deep and exploring Black excellence in all its forms. 

SHINE is a production of Tune In YRDSB. Tune In YRDSB is the first podcast of its kind in Ontario, featuring a wide range of topics related to education. Tune In YRDSB is available on all major podcast platforms. 


Celebrating Black Excellence

In honour of Black History Month, York Region District School Board will also be celebrating Black excellence throughout the month of February and beyond by sharing stories of our students, alumni, staff, community members, community partners, Board and our region as a whole. Nominations are open through our Celebrating Black Excellence form.


Black History Month Resources and Events

Throughout Black History Month, the Board is sharing resources with schools and families ,and hosting a number of events for students, families and staff, including:

York Region District School Board is the third largest school district in Ontario with over 128,000 students in 180 elementary schools and 33 secondary schools. York Region students consistently perform above average in provincial testing and the Board is one of the top achievers in Ontario. For more information about the York Region District School Board, please visit the Board website and follow YRDSB on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn

News Release