Policies & Procedures

Policies and procedures are important resources that govern the operation of York Region schools. They provide belief statements and operating guidelines for parents and staff regarding the administration of program, property, student, staff and Board matters.  

It is the expectation of the York Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property; or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities will respect the policies and procedures of the Board. 


Board Policies and Procedures

TIP: To search for a specific keyword or policy number, use ctrl+f on your desktop or the "Find on Page" search function on your mobile browser.

Expand to see Board Policies & Procedures listed:

Policy Number Policy Title
407 Accessibility
470 Alternative Arrangements for School Facilities
408 Appointment of Architects
237 Appointment of Community Members to Board Committees
194 Appropriate Use of Technology
NP414.0 Art Projects
301 Arts Education
103 Awards, Non-Monetary Student Awards, Monetary Student Awards, Staff Awards, Recognition of Staff Service
NP410.0 Before and After School Care Programs
202 Board Advertising
203 Board Advocacy
285 Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents
NP403.0 Bus and Driveway Safety
668 Caring and Safe Schools
NP411.0 Change of Use of Room and Change of Room Number
105 Communications
620 Community Involvement Hours
412 Community Use of Schools
222 Conflict of Interest
325 Continuing Education
NP611.0 Data Sharing with Children's Aid Societies
211 Director of Education Performance Review
212 Director of Education Selection
182 Distribution of Materials: External Organizations
NP418.0 Dividing Partitions
129 Donations
195 Electronic Monitoring
215 Electronic Participation in Board, Advisory and Board Committee Meetings
NP419.0 Elevating Devices - Lifts and Elevators
669 Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management
NP420.0 Emergency Wash Stations
235 Environmental Responsibility and Reusable Beverage Containers
305 Equitable Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement
261 Equity and Inclusivity
NP323.0 Exemption from Core French: Grades 4 to 9
131 Expenses
180 External Research
422 Facility Partnerships
642 Field Trips, One Day Trips, Short-Term Overnight Field Trips and Extended Field Trips
NP210.0 Fifth Disease
601 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education
NP135.0 Food Services
NP324.0 French Immersion
NP109.0 Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation and Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day
NP433.0 General Chemical Use Fume Hoods
225 Governance
540 Health and Safety - Employees
218 Healthy Learning Spaces for Students
219 Healthy Workplaces
NP336.0 Home Instruction
320 Homework
240 Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination
NP645 Immunization of Students
223 Indigenous Student Trustee
158 Privacy
NP138.0 Insurance: Personal Liability, Property Damage and Student/Visitor Injuries
545 Intellectual Property, Copyright and Professional Services
NP140.0 Invoicing for Services
409 Licensed Child Care in Schools and Security for Licensed Child Care and Before and After Programs in Schools
330 Literacy
NP442.0 Lock-out/Tag-out Devices
NP335.0 Lunch Period Responsibilities - Elementary
520 Deferred Salary Leave Plan
NP110.0 Media Resource and Equipment Loans
196 Misappropriation or Misuse of Board Resources
NP656.0 Ontario Student Record Management
350 Outdoor Education
238 Parent, Family and Community Engagement
275 Partisan Activities and Campaigning
663 Partnerships with External Agencies for Provision of Services by Regulated Health Professionals, Regulated Social Service Professionals and Paraprofessionals
155 Payment of Accounts
536 Performance Appraisal Process
NP430.0 Portable Stages, Risers and Platforms
570 Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption, Infant, Child Care Leaves
353 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for Day School Students
354 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students
NP681.0 Prolonged Absences from School
463 Pupil Accommodation Review
161 Purchasing and Purchasing Cards
160 Records and Information Management
532 Recruitment and Promotion
NP673.0 Registering Children in Care
610 Reporting Children in Need of Protection
NP355.0 Request for Psychological Consultation and/or Assessment
NP370.0 Required Learning Media
665 Safe Arrivals and Departures - Elementary and Secondary Students
NP357.0 Satisfactory Instruction at Home (Home Schooling)
262 School Councils
NP638.0 School Dances
676 School Fundraising and Administration of School Generated Funds
NP460.0 School Grounds Enhancement Projects
445 School Names, School Names: New Schools, and School Names: Renaming Schools
NP413.0 Secondments
152 Severe Weather
NP168.0 Signing Officers
NP464.0 Snow/Ice Clearance and Removal
NP360.0 Special Education Identification, Placement and Review Committee
NP358.0 Special Education: Screening and Identification of Gifted Students 
530 Staff Members Who Are Candidates for, or Elected to, Public Office
577 Staff Progressive Discipline
242 Standards of Conduct
NP674.0 Student Accident Insurance
108 Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers
462 Student Accommodation - Sites and Facilities
635 Student Dress Code
675 Student Exchange Programs (Working Document)
662 Student Health Supports
672 Student Leadership and Student Voice
163 Student Registrations
680 Student Transportation
221 Student Trustees
671 Student/School Fees
366 Supervised Alternative Learning
267 Supporting Community Concerns
NP405.0 Surveillance Systems
465 Tendering Capital Construction and Maintenance Projects
461 Tobacco and Smoke-Free Environment
270 Tributes
220 Trustee Services
NP679.0 Use of Private Motor Vehicles for Student Transportation
NP477.0 Use of Schools for Tutoring
250 Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace Related Harassment - Employees
280 Volunteers in our Schools
NP543.0 Working at Heights

Policy Number Policy Title
103 Awards, Non-Monetary Student Awards, Monetary Student Awards, Staff Awards, Recognition of Staff Service
105 Communications
108 Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers
129 Donations
131 Expenses
152 Severe Weather
155 Payment of Accounts
158 Privacy
160 Records and Information Management
161 Purchasing and Purchasing Cards
163 Student Registrations
180 External Research
182 Distribution of Materials: External Organizations
194 Appropriate Use of Technology
195 Electronic Monitoring
196 Misappropriation or Misuse of Board Resources
202 Board Advertising
203 Board Advocacy
211 Director of Education Performance Review
212 Director of Education Selection
215 Electronic Participation in Board, Advisory and Board Committee Meetings
218 Healthy Learning Spaces for Students
219 Healthy Workplaces
220 Trustee Services
221 Student Trustees
222 Conflict of Interest
223 Indigenous Student Trustee
225 Governance
235 Environmental Responsibility and Reusable Beverage Containers
237 Appointment of Community Members to Board Committees
238 Parent, Family and Community Engagement
240 Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination
242 Standards of Conduct
250 Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace Related Harassment - Employees
261 Equity and Inclusivity
262 School Councils
267 Supporting Community Concerns
270 Tributes
275 Partisan Activities and Campaigning
280 Volunteers in our Schools
285 Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents
301 Arts Education
305 Equitable Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement
320 Homework
325 Continuing Education
330 Literacy
350 Outdoor Education
353 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for Day School Students
354 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students
366 Supervised Alternative Learning
407 Accessibility
408 Appointment of Architects
409 Licensed Child Care in Schools
412 Community Use of Schools
422 Facility Partnerships
445 School Names, School Names: New Schools, and School Names: Renaming Schools
461 Tobacco and Smoke-Free Environment
462 Student Accommodation - Sites and Facilities
463 Pupil Accommodation Review
465 Tendering Capital Construction and Maintenance Projects
470 Alternative Arrangements for School Facilities
530 Staff Members Who Are Candidates for, or Elected to, Public Office
532 Recruitment and Promotion
536 Performance Appraisal Process
540 Health and Safety - Employees
545 Intellectual Property, Copyright and Professional Services
570 Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption, Infant, Child Care Leaves
577 Staff Progressive Discipline
601 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education
610 Reporting Children in Need of Protection
620 Community Involvement Hours
635 Student Dress Code
642 Field Trips, One Day Trips, Short-Term Overnight Field Trips and Extended Field Trips
662 Student Health Supports
663 Partnerships with External Agencies for Provision of Services by Regulated Health Professionals, Regulated Social Service Professionals and Paraprofessionals
665 Safe Arrivals and Departures - Elementary and Secondary Students
668 Caring and Safe Schools
669 Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management
671 Student/School Fees
672 Student Leadership and Student Voice
675 Student Exchange Programs
676 School Fundraising and Administration of School Generated Funds
680 Student Transportation
NP109.0 Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation and Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day
NP110.0 Media Resource and Equipment Loans
NP135.0 Food Services
NP138.0 Insurance: Personal Liability, Property Damage and Student/Visitor Injuries
NP140.0 Invoicing for Services
NP168.0 Signing Officers
NP210.0 Fifth Disease
NP323.0 Exemption from Core French: Grades 4 to 9
NP324.0 French Immersion
NP335.0 Lunch Period Responsibilities - Elementary
NP336.0 Home Instruction
NP355.0 Request for Psychological Consultation and/or Assessment
NP357.0 Satisfactory Instruction at Home (Home Schooling)
NP358.0 Special Education: Screening and Identification of Gifted Students
NP360.0 Special Education Identification, Placement and Review Committee
NP370.0 Required Learning Media
NP403.0 Bus and Driveway Safety
NP405.0 Surveillance Systems
NP410.0 Before and After School Care Programs
NP411.0 Change of Use of Room and Change of Room Number
NP413.0 Secondments
NP414.0 Art Projects
NP418.0 Dividing Partitions
NP419.0 Elevating Devices - Lifts and Elevators
NP420.0 Emergency Wash Stations
NP430.0 Portable Stages, Risers and Platforms
NP433.0 General Chemical Use Fume Hoods
NP442.0 Lock-out/Tag-out Devices
NP460.0 School Grounds Enhancement Projects
NP464.0 Snow/Ice Clearance and Removal
NP477.0 Use of Schools for Tutoring
NP543.0 Working at Heights
NP611.0 Data Sharing with Children's Aid Societies
NP638.0 School Dances
NP645 Immunization of Students
NP656.0 Ontario Student Record Management
NP673.0 Registering Children in Care
NP674.0 Student Accident Insurance
NP679.0 Use of Private Motor Vehicles for Student Transportation
NP681.0 Prolonged Absences from School

Policies for Comment

Policies and procedures govern the operation of the Board and our schools. To ensure they remain current, the Board reviews policies and procedures regularly. Feedback from staff and community members, including parents/guardians, is an important part of the review process. 

Learn more about the policy review process and how to share feedback. 



Policy Title

Response Due By


DRAFT - Equitable Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement 



Community Involvement Hours (Working Document)



Standards of Conduct (Working Document)



Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management (Working Document)



Healthy Learning Spaces for Students (Working Document)



Licensed Child Care in Schools (Working Document)



Privacy (Working Document)



Records and Information Management (Working Document)
