Online Learning Secondary Summer School Course List

During the registration period, course availability will be listed in the registration system.

Included below are the summer 2023 Session course offerings:

Grade 12 courses

  • BBB4M​ International Business Fundamentals
  • BOH4M​ Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals - WAITLISTED

Grade 10 courses

  • CHC2D Canadian History Since World War I - WAITLISTED
  • CHV2O Civics

Grade 12 courses

  • CGW4U World Issues: A Geographic Analysis - CANCELLED
  • CLN4U Canadian and International Law

Grade 11 courses

  • NBE3C Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices 
  • NBE3U Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices - WAITLISTED

Grade 12 courses

  • ENG4C English - WAITLISTED
  • ENG4U​ English - WAITLISTED
  • EWC4U The Writer's Craft - CANCELLED

Grade 10 courses

Grade 11 courses

  • MBF3C Foundations of College Mathematics - WAITLISTED
  • MCR3U​ Functions - WAITLISTED
  • MCF3M​ Functions and Applications

Grade 12 courses

  • MCV4U​ Calculus and Vectors- WAITLISTED
  • MDM4U​ Mathematics of Data Management- WAITLISTED
  • MHF4U Advanced Functions- WAITLISTED

Grade 11 courses

Grade 12 courses

Grade 11 courses

  • HSP3U Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology - WAITLISTED

Grade 12 courses

  • HHS​4U​ Families in Canada - WAITLISTED
  • HSB4U​ Challenge and Change in Society - WAITLISTED
  • HSC4M​ World Cultures - WAITLISTED
  • ​HSE4M​ Equity and Social Justice, From Theory to Practice - CANCELLED

Academic Integrity

Assessment and Evaluation