Standing in the Doorway: Lived Histories & Experiences of the Chinese Community


Standing in the Doorway: Lived Histories and Experiences of the Chinese Community

縈繞中華文化: 華人社區歷史和生活展覽 

萦绕中华文化: 华人社区历史和生活展览 

Sur le seuil de la porte: Histoire et expériences vécues de la collectivité chinoise

Working with community partners, the York Region District School Board Museum & Archives, students from the University of Toronto's Museum Studies program, and Markham Museum created a virtual and traveling exhibition that explores the history of Chinese immigration to York Region. Titled "Standing in the Doorway: Lived Histories and Experiences of the Chinese Community," this traveling exhibition is currently on tour in schools and cultural centres in York Region.

“This exhibit tells the story of resilience and perseverance of an important community in Markham and York Region. The Chinese community is underrepresented in our exhibition schedule and our museum collections,” says Janet Reid, Curator, Markham Museum. “This community-driven exhibit celebrates our Chinese residents, and also engages and educates the wider community through a multi-part virtual and touring exhibition program.”

The in-person exhibition launched on September 28 2023 at Markham Museum, until February 25 2024. 

Want to learn more? Please contact us

Lantern Slide, Markham Museum Collection M.1987.0.262.3

Lantern Slide, Markham Museum Collection, M.1987.0.262.3

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