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Inclement Weather Day

It's an inclement weather day. Brrr. 

Inclement Weather Day - Dawn Test

Today is an inclement weather day. Here are the policies. 

Weather Alert - Test

Possible severe weather. 

Test alert Tanya

Test alert Tanya - updated by AK
Testing adding & removing school




Testing alert

Test alert

School is closed.





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This is a testing alert

Test alert -1

This is a testing alert

Special Edition Newsletter - September/October 2023

Decorative iconA newsletter to support those in York Region who work with students with exceptional learning strengths & needs.

Content of this Newsletter

Monthly Highlights

  • Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
  • International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages
  • Ignite Technology Grant
  • World Mental Health Day

Spotlighting Excellence, Achievement & Community

  • GPP 3O1: Peer Support and Leadership Summer School Course
  • Camp Above and Beyond

Important Dates

  • Learning Disabilities Association of York Region
    • Girls Connect
    • Social Skills
    • Level Up Tutoring Program
    • Reading Rocks
    • JUMP Math
    • SOAR Transition Programs
    • Parents Support Group
  • Ontario Council for Exceptional Children 
    • Annual Special Education Conference
  • VOICE for Children that are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
    • 2023 Voice Conference: Together, We Can!


Monthly Highlights

What is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month?

Learning Disabilities Awareness Month is recognized every October and events are held by the Learning Disabilities Association York-Simcoe. It is about raising awareness and reducing stigma to allow people to get the support they need to reach their potential. 

“People too often define the life of someone living with Learning Disabilities by the areas where they need support such as math, reading, writing or organizational skills. The goal of this campaign is for people to see the areas of strength and abilities which often get overlooked.”

- Lawrence Barns President and CEO of LDAO

Did You Know....?

  • Learning disabilities (LDs) are brain-based difficulties that affect one or more ways that a person takes in, stores, recalls or uses verbal and nonverbal information.
  • LDs can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing, and math.  They can also interfere with higher-level skills such as organization, time management and social communication skills.
  • Students may have a lot of difficulty in some areas but none or very little in others. This can be confusing to teachers, and even to the students themselves.
  • Students with LDs can be successful when they have access to specific skill instruction, compensatory strategies, self-advocacy skills and accommodations.
  • In YRDSB, approximately 30% of students identified with an exceptionality have a Learning Disability.
  • YRDSB has a Learning Disabilities Steering Committee dedicated to furthering the success of students with learning disabilities. 

Don't Dis My Abilities! "Teachers should expect a lot from students with learning disabilities because we are smart!" - Grade 3 student. October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

“Understand that, no matter where you are in life, there will likely be some ‘trial and error processes’ going forward. This is definitely okay, and do not let societal, or even your own individual expectations, of what you should already ‘know’ how to do stop you from self-exploring, or trying different techniques, mindsets and support systems."

- Anthony Savonarota, LDAYS Ambassadors 

How can I help celebrate and recognize LD Awareness Month?

There are many ways you can help celebrate and recognize Learning Disabilities Awareness Month:


International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Language

Each year, the International Week of Deaf People is celebrated during the last full week of September and the International Day of Sign Language is celebrated on September 23 annually. This year, students in the Partially Integrated Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Sixteenth Avenue Public School celebrated the International Week of Deaf People (September 18 - September 24) and International Day of Sign Language through bringing awareness to the Deaf community and Sign Language. Students shared videos through YRDSB social media teaching us how to sign “International Week of Deaf People” and “International Day of Sign Languages.” Students also shared how they feel included in their school community and staff shared ways they create inclusive environments. 

Click on an image below to watch each video.

Link for International Week of Deaf People video

Link for Educational Audiologist video on the use of hearing assistive technology to build inclusive environments.

Link to video of students signing how they feel included in their schools

Link for video of staff sharing how they creat inclusive environments

Link for video of students signing Happy International Day of Sign Languages


Ignite Technology Grant

The Ignite Technology Grant is an opportunity for students and schools to host an event within their school to bring awareness to the effective and successful use of technology for modern learning. This grant is designed to create leadership opportunities, build communication skills, and increase self-esteem for students with SEA equipment within their school community. There are five awards of $500 available for students and schools to host an event at their school. 

Ignite Technology Grant Logo- A laptop with a yellow lightbulb and the words ignite in red.

There are also three graduation awards of $1000 for Grade 12 students who will be graduating in June 2024. The graduation awards are given to students who use SEA equipment to put towards the purchase of personal technology to assist in their post-secondary goals. Applications open October 10, 2023 and close on December 1, 2023. 


World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day will take place on October 10, 2023 and is an opportunity to discuss and examine ways to protect and improve mental health. This year’s theme “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right” seeks to “improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right” (WHO, 2023). 

Mental Health Logo- Hand with palm facing upward with a heart and brain above the hand

The October Mental Health newsletter highlights some of the ways to support our mental health through gratitude. For more information and tips on fostering mental health and well-being, check out the YRDSB Mental Health monthly newsletters throughout the school year. 


Spotlighting Excellence, Achievement & Community

GPP 3O1 Leadership and Peer Support Course 

This summer’s GPP 3O1 Leadership and Peer Support Course for students with disabilities included 22 students from across 7 different YRDSB high schools. Students engaged in self advocacy and experiential learning opportunities focused on gaining personal leadership skills, developing peer relationships, acquiring new skills and building self-confidence. This credit bearing high school course included experiential learning such as:

  • organizing and running a school fundraiser
  • cooking
  • taking York Region Transit to York University
  • visiting the Seneca King campus where the students stayed overnight for one night
  • traveling to local sites around Richmond Green S.S.  

Students were also supported in their goals and action plans through goal setting and developing a deeper understanding of their IEPs and transition plans.

"I met a lot of nice teachers and great friends and classmates. I actually learned how to be more confident in myself and express myself."

- Kevin, Grade 10 student 

Check out the video below highlighting this summer’s program. 



Camp Above and Beyond Summer Camp 

During the first week of July, 16 students with visual impairments enjoyed four full days of summer camp. Camp Above and Beyond focused on learning and practicing essential skills from the expanded core curriculum for students with visual impairments. Half of the group consisted of teenagers, who explored the downtown Toronto core, including a trip to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and traveling on the ferry to Centre Island. The younger group participated in social skills experiences, and recreation and leisure skills which included a scavenger hunt at Upper Canada Mall. All students experienced traveling on public transportation almost every day. Both groups worked creatively and collaboratively together during a Master Chef Salad competition, which culminated in the pasta salad being the winner. This is the third year of the Blind Low Vision (BLV) camp and the BLV team and students are looking forward to more summers of fun!

Five bowls of different salads spread out across 4 desks



Important Dates

Learning Disabilities Association of York Region

Girls Connect

Girls Connect is a program designed specifically for girls with a primary diagnosis of ADHD and/or LD. The focus is on self advocacy, self-esteem, ways to cope with stress, problem solving, learning about your IEP and more!

Locations and Dates: (Dates are subject to change)

  • Newmarket: November 6th - December 11th
  • Richmond Hill: November 8th - December 13th
  • Barrie: November 7th - December 12th

For more information please contact Jeremy Jor at jeremy.jor@ldays.org or call 905-884-7933 ext. 3.

Online Registration is available.

Social Skills

In a safe, encouraging and positive environment, learning social skills has never been so much fun! Skills learned include introducing oneself, ways to make friends, responding to teasing, being a good winner and loser, dealing with emotions, problem solving, relaxations, and self-esteem.

Locations and Dates: (Dates are subject to change)

  • Newmarket: November 6th - December 11th
  • Richmond Hill: November 8th - December 13th
  • Barrie: November 7th - December 12th

For more information please contact Jeremy Jor at jeremy.jor@ldays.org or call 905-884-7933 ext. 3. Online Registration is available.

Level Up Tutoring Program

A Numeracy and Literacy Homework Tutor Program

The program works by using volunteer tutors from different diverse and educational backgrounds who will work one-on-one with children on: 

  • Supporting students with homework help
  • Recognizing comfortable learning styles, learning strengths, and study habits which assist children in better learning
  • Assisting children with numeracy and literacy skills which need further development
  • Helping them experience the joy of learning and increase self-esteem 

For more information please contact Tori Bekolay, at tori.bekolay@ldays.org or 905-884-7933 ext 4.

Reading Rocks

Reading Rocks is an individualized reading intervention program designed by Brock University’s Dr. John McNamara, who specializes in Learning Disabilities. This program is designed for students who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of literacy due to a diagnosed learning disability.

Dates: Program will run 8 weeks Mondays andWednesdays 4:30-5:30PM or 6:30-7:30PM

  • October 30th

  • November 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 22nd, 27th, 29th

  • December 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th, 18th, 20th

For more information please contact Tori Bekolay, at tori.bekolay@ldays.org or 905-884-7933 ext 4.


JUMP Math is a virtual program for students aged 8-14 who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of math due to a diagnosed, identified, or suspected math disability (dyscalculia). Participants work in small groups of four (4) with a trained numeracy tutor to build foundational math skills and computational fluency. JUMP Math is a core classroom math program developed by Dr. John Mighton, OC.

Dates: Program will run 8 weeks Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-5:30PM or 6:30-7:30PM 

  • October 26th 

  • November 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th 

  • December 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st

For more information please contact Tori Bekolay, at tori.bekolay@ldays.org or 905-884-7933 ext 4. Online Registration is available.

SOAR Transition Programs

The SOAR Transition programs are designed to support participants in Grade 7-8 and Grade 11-12 identified with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD through graduation and beyond. The program supports students in developing life skills to be successful both academically and vocationally with tips and strategies for organization, time-management, self advocacy, and much more!


  • Group Setting - In School or at our LDAYS Richmond Hill office (upon availability)
  • One on One Setting - In-person at our LDAYS Richmond Hill office or Virtual

For more information, please contact Rachel Liscio, at rachel.liscio@ldays.org or 905-884-7933 ext 6.

Parents Support Group

The Parents Support Group is a group for parents of a child with ADHD or a learning disability.

Fall/Winter dates: 

  • October 12th
  • November 9th
  • December 14th

Our Parent Group is currently held via zoom. 7:00pm-9:00pm.

For more information please contact Erica Pereira, at erica.pereira@ldays.org or 905-884-7933 ext. 5


Ontario Council for Exceptional Children 

Ontario Council for Exceptional Children’s Annual Special Education Conference

The theme of the 2023 conference is Well-being, Equity and Success for All; presentations will focus on evidence-based practices, instructional strategies, and technology to equitably support the well-being, learning and achievement of all students with special education needs. The conference program features more than 70 lecture and poster presentations in numerous topical areas, including: accessibility; diversity, equity, and inclusion; paraprofessionals; low incidence exceptionalities; mental health and well-being for students and educators; at-risk children & youth; autism; assistive and adaptive technology; literacy and numeracy; transitions; managing challenging behaviour; learning disabilities; developmental disabilities; indigenous education; and post-secondary initiatives.

  • Date: November 24 & 25
  • Location: Marriott Downtown CF Toronto Eaton Centre

For more information, please contact cindy.perras@gmail.com


VOICE for Children that are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

2023 Voice Conference: Together, We Can!

Advances in research and technology have shaped how intervention and care for families and their children who are deaf and hard of hearing look today. Join VOICE at the upcoming two-day conference, where renowned allied health professionals will share cutting-edge information on how to help young individuals with unique strengths and challenges attain their maximum potential in listening, spoken communication, academics, and life skills. 

  • Date: October 13 & 14
  • Time: 8:30-5:00
  • Location: Sheraton College Conference Center, 1400 Trafalgar Road
  • Conference Registration 


Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meetings

The SEAC meets on the first Thursday of every month. All are welcome to attend and observe. For more information about SEAC and our SEAC members, please visit the SEAC webpage.

Upcoming SEAC Meetings

  • October 5, 2023

  • November 2, 2023

  • December 7, 2023

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